Chapter 12

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Lexi's POV

"Hey" Zayn said rubbing his eyes. 

"Morning. Are you doing anything today?" I questioned as I stepped into the room.

"Nope. Did you wanna go do something?" Zayn asked as he walked to the kitchen. He poured two cups of coffee and handed me one. 

"I was thinking for a while...I kinda wanna get a tattoo. I would've asked Harry to take me, but I haven't seen him since yesterday and he won't answer my calls or texts." I sat down on the couch. Zayn plopped down next to me.

"About that....I don't think he has a choice honestly. It's not his fault..." Zayn scratched the back of his head.

"I don't care if it is or isn't. It's his life and I'm not gonna change it. He can do what he wants." I acted as though I didn't care. I didn't even add the Taylor part. They could just be friends right?

"Got it. I was thinking of getting a tattoo also. Why don't we go in a few. Lets get ready and meet dowstairs in 30?" Zayn asked. I got out of my seat and set the cup of coffee down.

"Thanks Zayn. This means a lot." I gave the lad a smile. 

"No problem, Lexi. You and I haven't had much bonding time for a while. It would do us some good." He grinned. 


"Are you hungry? You must be after sitting in that chair for hours..." Zayn looked at me for a minute before looking back on the road.

"Why not?"

We pulled into the parking lot of Subway. We waited in line, chatting about nonsense when my phone rang.

"Can you um just order me a Meatball Marinara. I'll be back in a minute." I read the caller ID, not too pleased.

"What do you want Harry?" I whispered into the phone, walking outside.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"Out with Zayn. Why does it even matter? You haven't answered any of my texts, none of my calls, you were supposed to come back last night." I said frustratedly.

"I'm sorry, alright?! Come back so I can talk to you about yesterday. Please?" He pleaded.

"Yea yea whatever. Why can't you guys tell me what's going on? I can hear the hints you guys give me, not being able to tell me, management, that call you got yesterday, not answering me back. You always answer me....Why can't you just tell me? I thought we were best friends!" I vented out. 

"I just can't, Lexi. You know I would if I could. There's a lot going on..." I hear him sigh.

"I'm sure there is, Harry. But let me ask you one thing. Do you really love me ? Like you said 'always have and always will'? Or did you move on in less than an hour? I'm not stupid Harry. I can put pieces together. I saw those pictures of you and Taylor. You stayed at her hotel, didn't you?" I asked. There was a twinge of jealousy in my voice, but at this moment in time, I didn't care.

"Yes I stayed at her hotel, but it isn't what you think. I do love you, Lexi. More than you know it. I can't explain. I just can't."

"Can't? You can't tell me? I'm sure you can. You're speaking right now. It's not the matter of not being able to. It's about not wanting to. We are best friends Harry. You tell me everything. I told you everything. God dammit Harry, I'm about to tell you the truth right now. I thought I was falling for you too! That kiss wasn't just any kiss Harry. When I said Marcus was good, you were better. Don't you get that?" I blurted. I found myself leaning against the car door.

"Lexi...." He said speechless. 

"Save it Harry. I didn't just come to New York for you. I came here for the rest of the band and myself. I don't have to be with you 24/7. I'm hanging with Zayn today and you can't change that." I hung up right on the spot. Harry called over and over and over again. I refused to answer it. Being irritated of the ringtone, I set my phone on vibrate. This was gonna be a long day.


Zayn and I laughed the whole way back to the hotel. He pretened to be a horrible singer, belting out to each song on the radio. 

"Zayn, shut up!" I laughed with my sandwich in my hand.

"I will never!!! My voice is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!" Zayn yelled at the top of his lungs. He parked the car and I sprinted out, not wanting to be seen around him.


I turned the corner of the hall. My face made contact with someone's chest. 

"Shit" I muttered. Looking up, I saw the familiar curls. 

"Lexi!" The voice came closer. "Oh, um hey Harry" Zayn stopped next to me.

"Zayn" Harry nodded. 

"Well I'm just gonna go to my room now. Thanks for today, Zayn." I escaped the awkward moment and rushed to the elevator.

I opened the door to my room and stepped in. As I was about to close the door, it was kept open by a foot.

"Lexi, wait." I mentally groaned.

"Now what, Harry?" 

"Can we talk?" He asked. 

"What do you think, Harry? Unless you're gonna tell me what you are hiding, I wanna take a nap. Can you leave? Please?" I pointed to the door. "I don't have time for this"

"Wait, what is that?" He pointed to my wrist. The bandage stuck out from under my coat. I took off the jacket and showed him the tattoo.

"Life goes on?" Harry asked. He stared intently at the tattoo. Checking the fine written cursive and the perfectly drawn flock of sillhouetted birds.

"Yea. I need to stop paying attention to the past. Move on. What happened back then, happened back then. They changed the future for a reason, and frankly I think the accident happened for a reason, Harry." 

"Don't say that, Lexi. Don't. You know that's not true." He shooked his head painfully. 

"I don't know what's true these days. My life could be a total li-" Harry held my chin in his hand and pressed his lips to mine. I didn't push him away, or kiss him back. I was just...surprised.

"It's not true. Not true." He shook his head once more while gloomily walking out. I closed my eyes, not knowing what to think. It was just so confusing. Too confusing.

A/N: Happy belated Valentines Day. Hope you all a good day. I'll update soon :* Xx Caitlyn

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