Chapter 28

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Lexi's POV

I unlocked the door to the shared flat. I heard cute little squeals from the living room. 

I set my bag and keys on the kitchen counter and walked up to the door frame of the next room.

"Harry?" I questioned. The curly haired lad was chasing the oh so familiar blonde baby around a home made fort; In which was made out of pillows, chairs and blankets. Harry froze, looking up at me. He grinned and went back to chasing Lux. Finally catching her, he pinned her down, tickling her tiny sides.

"Stop terrorizing the poor baby, Harold. You're like an elephant chasing a mouse!" I picked up the little child and carried her on my hip. 

"From what I've heard, elephants are scared of mice. Not the other way around," Harry pointed out. I rolled my eyes and sat down, crossed legged, on the ground, with Lux in my lap. She played, fascinated, with my hands. 

"So what are you doing here? Hmm baby?" I cooed into her ear. 

Harry sat in front of me. 

"It's Tom and Lou's anniversary. I told Tom that I'd take Lux so that he could take Lou on a date." The lad pulled Lux off my lap and let her sit in his. Her cute little eyes drooped and her mouth gave out a yawn. 

"Someone's tired," Harry said standing up. He rubbed the baby's back as she laid her head on his shoulder. Harry rocked her back and forth until she was finally asleep. Carefully, he set her down on a makeshift crib/playpen on the side. 

Turning around, Harry looked down at me. "Maybe one day that will be us on a daily basis," Harry whispered. His soft lips sweetly kissed my forehead. 

"Maybe..." I repeated softly. 


I woke up with a jolt. I rubbed my eyes and noticed aching pain in my stomach. Soon enough, it turned to stabbing pain. I grimaced, trying to pull the duvet off me. Looking down, the sheets were stained red. 

Panick mode took over. I reached for my phone that was on the table beside me. 

I quickly dialed the phone and put it up to my ear. 

"Andy, I need you. NOW." I bit my bottom lip as I felt the stabbing pain once more. I let out a groan. What is going on?

Harry's POV

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. The room was dim and my music played softly in the corner. It was early in the morning. I think it was 2 maybe. I don't know, but these past few days, I haven't been able to sleep. 

I felt like crap and looked like crap. None of the boys treated me the same. They wouldn't ask to hang out or if I wanted something to eat. It was as though I was just there and that's all. 

Suddenly, I heard the door bell downstairs. Who would be up at this time? 

I opened my door, and walked out in the hall. Louis, who was sleeping at my flat for a week or so, just until fans stopped mobbing his own flat, walked out with me. 

Niall and Liam, who were still in their PJs, looked at us with a worried expression. 

"Louis, can we talk to you for a moment?" Liam asked. His voice was a bit pitchy. 

"Harry, can you give us a minute?" Lou spoke. I hesitantly nodded and walked back to my room. Honestly, I should've been concerned, but wasn't. 

Louis's POV

"So what's going on?" I whispered as I crossed my arms. I was so tired. Why did they have to come so early in the morning?

"Andy called," Liam spoke up. "He had to take Lexi to the hospital." 

Suddenly, I was wide awake. "W-wait why?" 

"That's the thing. We don't know. We were gonna head over. Did you wanna come? We still have to go grab Zayn," Niall said. 

"Of coarse I wanna come! What about Harry?" Lexi was like one of my little sisters. I'd always watch out for her. No matter what.

"I don't think he should come. Andy said it was bad news." Liam pursed his lips and looked at the hallway. 

"Okay. Well then, let's go grab Zayn. I'll text Harry that we had to go do something, on the way." I grabbed my keys, wallet, phone, and a beanie. I quickly slipped on some Toms and followed the boys out the door. 

What could've happened to Lexi this late at night? I just hope she's alright. Honestly, if I would've chosen, I would've got Harry to come with us. What if it was the last time he was gonna see her? I don't know how bad the situation is, but you never know. 

To Harry: The lads and I had to go check something out. Yes it's early, but it was urgent. Hopefully I'll be back in the morning. Don't worry about anything. 

I hope she's alright. 

A/N: So I have good news and bad news. Bad news is, I'm gonna be in Hawaii for a while. I don't know when I'm gonna update again. I don't have wifi there because I'm staying at my grandma's and grandpa's house and I don't wanna waste my data. Now the good news, I'm decided I'm gonna create a fanfic for each boy. So far I have Harry and Niall. This fanfic is coming to and end soon. Sadly. I love this fanfic. I loved writing every single part of it. Once this is done, I will have Niall's to work on. Now the tricky part is who's next. Comment if you want Zayn, Liam, or Louis next. I was drifting toward Zayn or Louis, bit I'm not sure yet. Comment please! 

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