Hello Mother...

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I woke with a jump, blinking, desperately trying to get my eyes to focus. As they finally adjusted, I looked out the window to catch the sun beginning to try and wake up the world.

Slowly I threw myself out of bed, rubbing my temples. My mind was still swirling with the information from last night. Not to mention the constant worry about everything that was going on.

I sighed, making up Loki's bed then returning to my room. Once inside I slipped on a pair of leggings, a sports bra and pulled a T-shirt over the top. Looking down at it I realised it wasn't mine as it drowned me. I shook my head, grabbing the material and knotting it. It would do for a run. I slipped my feet into my trainers and headed downstairs.

As I exited the elevator fighting with my earphones that seemed to be in a thousand knots, I collided with Steve.

He looked shocked to see me awake so early, "Good morning. Where are you off to?" He asked, reaching to take the earphones from my hands to help.

"I. Um. My head...It's all. Well honestly it's all over the place, I was going to take a run to try and clear it." I mumbled.

"Mind if I join? I was just about to head out myself..." he tilted his head to the side, "I promise I won't talk your ear off either." He smiled at me gently, reaching me back the earphones he had successfully untangled.

I nodded, "Ok, sure lets go."

With that we headed out into the early morning dawn, there was a nip in the air, but I welcomed the feeling of it. We did some stretches together to warm up, before setting off at a light jog. As we made our way through the empty streets, I found myself trying to match Steve.

I fell into line with him and he smiled at me, not trying to push conversation. The only noise was our breathing and the gentle thuds of our trainers hitting the pavement rhythmically.

My mind was still in overdrive. No matter how hard I was trying to ignore it. So, I began pushing myself, striding away from Steve, concentrating solely on my heart beating and my breathing.

My legs began to burn the more I pushed, but honestly the pain distracted me. It took my mind off everything as I began to zone out.

That didn't last long as I was ripped from my trance by Steve grabbing me. Pulling me to an abrupt halt.

"Take a break. You cant torture yourself like this Y/N, I wont let you. We aren't having a repeat of what happened when Loki left." He panted slightly having sprinted to stop me.

"You don't understand Steve...you have no idea! You're not the one they are relying on! The tree showed Loki and Thor, thanking me!" I pointed at my own chest, "for saving their home from well...I don't even know who! So you're not the one who has been given this...this impossible task!" My hands flew up into the air. "The fate of their home, the damn realm rests upon MY SHOULDERS STEVE! ME! THE HALF CAST! EVERYONE IS COUNTING ON ME!" Tears began to fall from my eyes and there was nothing I could do to stop them, "What happens if I fail? Hmm? They lose their home, Asgard possibly destroyed or lost to another ruler. Who is to say they wont kill them, if they survive? Or kill us? Do you understand WHY I AM LOSING MY SHIT?! I COULD LOSE EVERYONE THAT I CARE ABOUT IF I FUCK UP!" I stared at him wildly as my body began shaking, my heart pounding in my chest as the realisation of what really was at hand here set in.

Steve stepped forwards, pulling me into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't realise you had that hanging over your head."

I held him for a while, then I sighed, "Well I suppose I didn't really elaborate that part to you guys very well did I? I just feel like if I make the slightest mistake, everything could be lost Steve. I know you guys save the earth on a regular basis, but you are superheroes. I'm just me."

Somewhere Along the Way...To AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now