The Kursed...

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Loki looked in the direction I pointed, stilling.

"Good Gods."

The only way to describe it was like a Minotaur. It was comparable in height to Hulk, with the same muscular build. However it's face. It's face looked like a horned beastial mask.

It strode towards us. Fixated solely on the group of us.

Asgardian soldiers charged at it. Effortlessly it grabbed two of them by the throats, they struggled trying to penetrate its body with their swords.

We watched on in horror as it seemed to burn the skin off the soldiers faces right before our eyes. Their bodies falling at it's feet. Limp.

"No power of our enemies will stop me. I'll destroy your defenses and resurrect the rightful universe." It bellowed across the field towards us.

The Avengers assembled together around us, Thor strode up to stand beside Loki. I noticed the two of them exchanging looks at one another.

Sam landed gracefully beside me, folding his wings in he turned to me. "What in the name of hell is that thing?" He pointed at the Kursed before looking at us with wide eyes.

I shook my head. "I...I don't know."

"The Kursed." Thor's said bluntly.

"The what now?" Sam chirped.

"Something much more powerful than us I'm afraid." Loki sounded solemn. "And much harder to kill. It's almost impossible."

Tony landed beside us, his helmet opening to reveal his face, which was confused. "Soooo? We gonna fry that thing like some Kentucky chicken?"

Thor shook his head, "No my friend. We need to be tactical."

The Kursed was closing in on us.

"Well someone would need to think of something real fast!" Nat spat.

"I second that." Bucky nodded.

Steve ran at it, before anyone could stop him. But the Kursed threw its fist out, colliding with Steve and sending him flying back towards us.

I summoned my powers shooting vines up to catch him before he hurtled into us, and easing the force of the landing for him.

I ran over to him, "Steve what the fuck was that?"

Weakly he smiled, "Thought I could buy us some time. Man that thing is strong." He huffed out as he stood up brushing himself off.

I closed my eyes and summoned my powers again. Concentrating harder. We just needed some time.

The sky began to grow dark around us. The wind picking up, howling through the trees that flanked the field. I concentrated my efforts on the Kursed, trying to push it back to give us time.

I trapped it inside a vortex of air, "Guys I can't hold this thing forever! Someone make a damn plan already!" I could feel it pushing against my forces. It was stronger than anything I had ever been up against. I began to shake the harder I tried to keep it closed within the walls of the vortex.

Before anyone else could speak Thor launched himself towards it. I dropped my powers and watched as he flew through the air, raising his hammer above his head ready to attack.

As Thor went to land his blow, the Kursed deflected his hammer sending him flying across the field.

"THOR!" I screamed out in horror.

It made its way over towards the rocks, lifting a huge boulder and throwing it at Thor. I tried to use a gust of wind to deflect the boulder from landing on him but I wasn't fast enough.

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