How About See You Again...

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I woke up abruptly, gasping for air as panic flooded my entire system. I sat up looking around the dimly lit room.

"Loki?" I called out, scrambling from the bed. Leaving the sheets a mess on the floor.

Then I paused as I remembered. That the man I loved was gone.

I felt the all too familiar pain in my chest again at the realisation of it. I dropped onto the edge of the bed, burying my face in my hands. "I can't believe you are gone Lokes." I sighed out.

I sat there for a little while before I forced myself up. I needed to put a dress on before I could leave the room. Slowly I made my way into the closet and fumbled about in it grabbing the first black dress I laid my hands on slipping into it.

I was for a funeral after all.

As I was about to leave I spied his cloak hanging on the back of the door. With shaky hands I reached for it, releasing it from the hook and wrapping it around my shoulders.

It drowned me. But it still smelled of him.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep laboured breath, trying to control myself as I pulled it tightly around my body.

Frigga had asked was there anything I wanted to send with him? And an idea had crossed my mind.

I ventured over to the desk, opening the drawer to find the letter I had left safely tucked inside it. I removed it, taking the pen decideding to add to it. If it really was true that he would see it. Then I wanted him to know,

Lokes. My Love. My Soulmate.

How am I meant to say goodbye?
I don't want to, I don't want to say goodbye to you. This day, or the next. Or even in a hundred years: it's nothing. It's another heartbeat. A heartbeat that is going to go past without you by my side. I don't think I will ever be ready to say goodbye to you.

I'm falling apart. I'm barely breathing, with a broken heart that's somehow still beating.

I love you Loki. From now until eternity. I can't wait to see you again. We will be reunited. I promise.

All my love.

Y/N xx

Carefully I placed the letter into an envelope, sealing it for safe keeping.

There was a gentle knock at the door.

"Little One?"

It was Thor.

I made my way over opening it, to slowly look up at him. He was a mess.

Before I could speak he stepped into the room, catching me in am embrace and lifting me off the floor. He tucked his head into the side of my neck, burying his face in my hair.

I felt his chest moving as the sobs began to fall from it. I wrapped my arms around his neck, squeezing him as tight to my body as I could.

"I'm so so sorry Thor," I cried.

I felt him shake his head, "It''s not your fault Little One. Stop blaming yourself. If Loki wanted to go. Protecting you would have been the way he wanted to go."

He pulled back from my hair and I moved to wipe the tears from his sleep deprived face. He leant into my touch.

Thor and Loki had had their difference over the years. But they still loved one another. It was apparent, especially now.

"Mother wants us to come say our goodbyes." He sniffed.

"I can't say goodbye Thor." I said feeling the tears stinging in my eyes.

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