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I stood on the balcony after my trip to the past

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I stood on the balcony after my trip to the past. My elbows rested against the railing as I gazed out into the greenery below me, every so often ducking my head down to take a deep breath to take in what just happened.

My mind was a haze. I didn't go into that with the expectation of seeing my dead father who I hadn't seen in almost seven years now. After everything that had happened, I forgot how much I missed him. All the new recent built up trauma had pushed the earlier incidents down but after that, those feelings began to stir again.

"The air's nice out here, right?" A voice said and I tilted my head to see Steve walk out onto the balcony to meet me.

"Yeah, it's refreshing," I nodded as he joined the space next to me, copying my movements and leaning against the metal balcony.

I didn't say anything but the air did feel odd after having those few moments in the Greek air of the past, it didn't feel the same.

We feel into comfortable silence and I was grateful for the company, making it easier than just being in my own thoughts.

"It was very brave of you to volunteer to go back," he said after a while, the sun having now set. The sky no longer a soft orange but a deep purple.

"Someone had to," I shrugged. "And I'm glad I did go. It gave me an opportunity I never thought I'd get and my mind seems clearer now. I believe we can do this. I have complete faith in our team."

"I'm glad," he said. "I, too, have all my faith in you guys. If there's anyone who doesn't waste second chances, it's the Avengers."

"The Avengers, huh?" I chucked, looking at Steve. "We still tossing that term around?"

"Well, that's what we are, no?"

"There's just a lot of history connected to that name," I said, sighing. "A lot of pressure to not mess up."

"That history brings us together," Steve said. "It reminds of all the successes we've had. And there's been a lot of them which I'm very proud of. We worked together and we got it done and I have no doubt that we can do that again."

"Strong words, Captain," I said, breathing out and looking back to the greenery coated in darkness. "Now, if I'm gonna sit through this I'm gonna need food. Lot's of it."

"I'm thinking Chinese," Steve mused, standing straight so I followed his motion and we turned towards the door.

"That sounds like an excellent idea."

The entire team had now gathered in the more comfortable area of the conference room, it was abundant with sofas and plush chairs with a great coffee table and a hologram.

I sat beside Thor, nestling into his side on the small sofa we were sitting on. He turned to look at me, a smile on his lips and he placed a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth. I laughed at him, pushing his shoulder for being such a tease and tucked my head into the crook of his neck.

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