The Sought after Elusive Hear

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not offended anyone.]


[This is the wedding day and the reception party through Princess Tiffany's eyes.]


Tiffany was amused by the number of nobles that attended Lady Prescott's wedding despite her recent dispute with the other noble ladies.

[Are they curious about the real score between Lady Prescott and Captain Lisa ?]

It wasn't like she didn't understand.

When the High Priest announced the prophecy about Captain Lisa's future son, her fiance chose Lady Prescott to fulfill the divination with the captain. Duke Maverick Prescott, as a loyal subject of the royal family, accepted the order without even consulting his daughter. And of course, as a knight, Captain Lisa couldn't and wouldn't refuse the emperor's "request."

To simply put, everyone in the empire knew that it would be a political marriage between Lady Prescott and Captain Lisa.

[I thought so, too.]

But Captain Lisa's shameless display of affection for Lady Prescott caught everyone off-guard. Who knew that the stoic "monster" and cold-blooded assassin would slay giant sea monsters just to get his lady a fine pearl for an engagement ring?

Not only that.

The captain of the Black Serpent Knights also stood by Lady Prescott's side during her scandal with Captain Denver.

[Even if Lady Prescott didn't call the reporters, I'm pretty sure that she'd be proven innocent either way. After all, Captain Lisa would have probably murdered anyone who dared to speak gibberish about her.]

The emperor quickly brushed it under the carpet but she heard that Captain Lisa went to Baroness Alphonse's mansion and froze her knights.

[Taeyeon treats Captain Lisa like his younger brother so I knew he'd protect his reputation.]

The emperor even arranged an interview for Lady Prescott and Captain Lisa for the pearl engagement ring. Her brother did that to distract the people from the previous scandal involving the two.

[Thanks to that, I wasn't able to touch Lady Prescott and Captain Lisa in the meantime.]

And thus, the peaceful wedding between them right now.

"What are you thinking so deeply about, Tiffany?" Taeyeon, who was sitting next to her in the balcony of Eclis Church, asked her. "You've been silent since we arrived here."

They were watching the wedding from the top so they wouldn't steal the spotlight from Lady Prescott and Captain Lisa. After all, they were surrounded by knights. Captain Sherwood and Lahara were the only 'visible' guards behind her and her brother.

But that didn't mean there were only two knights around.

The others were simply in "stealth mode."

"I find their relationship amusing," Tiffany said. She was watching Lady Prescott and Captain Lisa at the altar listen to the priest who was officiating the wedding. Everyone below was quiet since the ceremony was a wedding. But they were on the balcony and there was a protective barrier around her and the emperor. In short, no one could hear them talking. Well, except for Captain Sherwood and Lahara. "It started as an arranged marriage but look at them now. I never thought that the stoic captain can make a face like that."

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