Meeting of the Two Wives

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not offended anyone.]


AFTER lunch, Irene was now having tea with Lisa, Sentinel, and Luna in the tea room.

She told Luna and Lisa everything that Saint Forrester asked her to do. Sentinel already knew that since he was inside her heart during her conversation with the saint, so the spirit guardian remained quiet while snacking on the pastries on the table.

"I trusted the saint because I felt like I should," Irene concluded, then she turned to Sentinel who was still busy with his macaroons. "And Sentinel bowed to His Holiness."

"I can't really say that His Holiness is on our side. He's a strange one," Sentinel said, then he turned to her. "But I can vouch that the saint isn't on the emperor's side as well. In fact, His Holiness seems to hate the Moonchesters."

"My enemy's enemy is a friend," she said with a smirk.

"Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with the saint's offer," Luna said seriously. "I'd rather the saint train you than Duke Nystrom." The witch turned to her husband who stopped drinking his tea midway. "No offense, Your Grace. But you spoil the duchess too much."

Lisa gulped as if he was guilty. Then, he carefully placed the cup down on the table. "Okay, I admit that I'm spoiling my wife too much. But I don't regret it. And before I accept His Holiness as Irene 's master, I'll supervise their training session first. I won't easily hand my wife and my child's life to a stranger– no matter how holy he is."

She smiled at her husband's protectiveness. "Aww, that's so sweet of you, hon."

Lisa turned to her with a small smile reserved only to her.

On the other hand, Luna and Sentinel just rolled their eyes.

These two are so fed up with us, aren't they?

"I don't know His Holiness but I trust your gut feel, Lady Nystrom," Luna said, changing the subject right away. She probably didn't want to see her and Lisa acting lovey-dovey again. "And if we find His Holiness's scepter, he'll help us locate the Ancient Beasts. It's not a bad deal so I suggest that you accept the saint's offer."

"I'm relieved that you don't find the idea ridiculous, Miss Luna," she said in relief. "I'm embarrassed but when I first heard His Holiness say that, I thought it was impossible for me to gather the Ancient Beasts since they belong to His Majesty."

"The Ancient Beasts don't belong to the emperor," Luna and Sentinel said in unison, both said the same thing with conviction as if she offended them.

"The Moonchesters captured and locked up the Ancient Beasts against their will," Sentinel said firmly.

"Okay, sorry," she said with her hands raised in surrender. "I misspoke."

"My wife already apologized for her mistake so if you scold her again, I'll kick you out," Lisa threatened lightly, obviously not pleased with the fact that the two scolded her.

Yep, he spoils me a lot.

Luna and Sentinel fell silent after that.

Irene cleared her throat before she turned to the witch. "Miss Luna, do you have a moment? I want to speak with you in private."

"That's fine with me, Lady Nystrom," Luna said. "If it's okay with you, will you let me give you a proper bath? I already completed the ingredients that I need to give you the medicated bath that you need." .

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