Lisa Oppa

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not offended anyone.]



AFTER Irene broke the kiss with Lisa, she looked down and saw her husband had already released his cock from his pants. He was stroking it as they kissed a while ago, huh? "You started without me," she playfully accused him, then she looked up at his handsome face. Gosh, it was so hot to see and hear him breathe heavily. "Why are you touching yourself when I'm here? I'm kind of upset."

Lisa chuckled which rarely happened, so she really savored that moment. "I'm just warming up for you, Irene."

"My body is already on fire for you, Lisa."

He smiled and used his other hand to pull her by the nape and kiss her on the lips.

She would never shut up about how Lisa 's touch always felt hot on her skin despite his literally cool body.

And even though her top was unbuttoned, she didn't feel cold at all despite the carriage being covered with ice. Luckily, she chose to wear a dress with a buttoned top. All Lisa had to do was pull the ribbon and rip the buttons.

Of course, she got her "revenge" by ripping her husband's dress shirt as well.

So right now, both of their torsos were exposed. Still, she didn't feel uncomfortable.

Lisa assured me that thanks to his ice, we wouldn't be seen or heard from the outside.

Her thoughts were cut-off when Lisa put the hardened peak of her left breast in his mouth. Then, his other hand fondled her right breast. Yeah, she moaned aloud while grinding herself against his erection.

" Lisa," she moaned. "Are you sure the carriage is soundproof now?"

"Mmm," he answered, then he twirled his tongue around her nipple before he looked up at her. "You can be as loud as you want, honey."

She was suddenly stunned while looking at his handsome face.

It never failed to amaze her how his yellow-ish eyes would turn gold whenever he was turned on. His eyes were beautiful. Well, she found everything about him pretty anyway.

"I like your face, Lisa," she said truthfully. "I think I'm obsessed with your face. I hope that doesn't make my feelings for you sound shallow. I mean, I hope you know that I really like you as a person– as my man. But physically, you're my style."

His brows furrowed in confusion. "I'm your "style?" What does it mean?"

"Oh. That's a phrase famous from the second life I had," she said. "It means you're exactly my type– the kind of guy that I want to spend my life with."

He suddenly looked excited because of the new stuff that he learned from her. "I like that phrase. Irene, it's amazing that you know a lot of things that aren't common in this world. What was your second life like, honey?"

"I was lucky to have born in privilege during my second one."

"Were you happy?"

He gave her a sympathetic look. " Irene, did you love your husband in your second life?"

"No," she answered without missing a beat. "I respect him, but I never loved him. He felt the same for me. But despite our loveless marriage, I could say that we were good friends."

He let out a deep sigh. "I wish I was also born in the same world as you in your second life," he said, then he touched her face while looking at her lovingly. "I wouldn't have let you feel empty had we met then."

She smiled at his sweetness. "If we had met in my second life, then you would have been my oppa."

"'Oppa?'" he asked curiously. "What does it mean?"

"It's how younger girls addressed older males. That's how girls call their older brothers. But girls can also use that to call their older partners," she explained to him. "If you were born earlier than me in my second life, I would have called you oppa."

"It sounds strange but I like how that word rolls off your tongue."

She giggled at that. " Lisa oppa."

He lowly growled as if to tell her that he was turned on. Then, he gently bit her lower lip. "God, I don't know why but hearing you call me that turns me on even more."

She laughed because she felt his erection got even harder. "I can tell, Lisa oppa."

And so, she didn't waste any more time.

She slightly stood up, moved her panties to the side, and took him in. They both groaned at the delicious unison of their needing parts.

"So good," Lisa groaned in a heavy breath as she pushed herself down further, taking him in deeper. He held her hips to guide and not control her– acknowledging that she was in charge right now. "I know I've said this before but Irene, I will seriously never get enough of you."

"Same," she moaned. Then, she remembered her mental note that she would tease him by talking dirty to her husband. "I love the way you fuck me, Lisa oppa."

His eyes widened by the vulgar word she used. Then, his whole face reddened. But he obviously looked pleased. "God, that was hot."

She got wetter as the way Lisa look at her turned hotter.

And so, she began to move on top of him.

She didn't want to break his cock so instead of bobbing up and down, she started to push her hips forward, grinding up, and savoring the sensation being sent up to her body. The groan he made encouraged her to grind up again. This time, she put more pressure and he seemed to like it. Of course, it felt amazing to her as well because he had filled her up in the best way.

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