Test of Loyalty

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]


Lisa dropped his sword in shock, then he looked at her stomach with a worried look on his face.

"Yes, that means our baby is a Fire Mage as well," she confirmed, the flame in her hands vanishing. "If the empire finds out about our lineage, they will kill us."

"Stop," Lisa told her. Then, he looked up at her with a stiff expression on his face. "Not now, Irene."

"But Lisa –"

All of a sudden, he was in front of her. He covered her mouth with his hand while looking around them as if he was scared someone else was listening to them. "Let's move to the cave first, Irene."

She nodded her head. When he removed his hand from her mouth, she turned to Captain Denver who was leaning against a tree. The other captain was bleeding a lot. " Lisa, let's help Captain Denver as well."

Her husband looked like he didn't want to but in the end, he nodded. "Alright," he said, then he held her hand tight. "Stay close to me, Irene."

Irene was relieved to hear that. Lisa wouldn't leave her. She could feel it by the way he pulled her protectively by his side. "Thank you, Lisa."

Lisa's face finally softened up.

He didn't say anything. But the warm gaze he gave her was enough to tell her that he wouldn't abandon her. Especially not their Baby Winter.

[Ah, this is what it feels like to be loved.]


Irene felt a little scared when they were walking inside the dark cave. She was hugging Lisa's arm tightly because she didn't want to be separated from him. Plus, there were snakes around them. She wasn't good with snakes but thankfully, they weren't coming near them.

Also, Lisa brought a floating lighting gem. Every time the snakes were hit by light, they would slither and hideaway.

Aside from that, Captain Denver also used the flame in his right armband as a "lamp."

"Captain Denver, you're scaring the snakes with your fire," Lisa said sternly. "Put it out."

"I'm using my fire to scare the snakes away," Captain Denver, who was walking behind them, retorted. "Why are the snakes giving way to you while they're following me as if they're ready to attack me anytime, huh?"

Oh, she didn't notice that.

She tried to turn to look at Captain Denver but Lisa gently held her face and made her look straight ahead.

[Gosh, why is he so jealous of Captain Denver?]

" Irene, the road ahead is uneven," Lisa said. "May I carry you?"

"Yes, please."

"God," Captain Denver complained. "Can you not flirt in front of me?"

"We can't help it," she said. "We're newlyweds, remember?"


Lisa smirked, obviously enjoying Captain Denver's "misery."

[My husband can really be a manchild sometimes.]

Anyway, after a few minutes of walking, they finally reached the end of a cave.

It wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Well, maybe it was because of the fact that the cave was prepared in advance.

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