Greetings from the High Priest

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]


THE FLAME from the fancy bracelet disappeared as soon as it appeared.

That was when Irene realized that it wasn't a simple piece of jewelry. It was the same tool that Captain Denver used to conceal his power.

"Hon, I think it functions like Captain Denver's armband," Irene said excitedly. "If I have this, then I can just say that the flame I produce is from the bracelet and not from within my body. It's the same trick that the hidden Fire Mages are using right now. Captain Denver told me about it when he brought me to the hospital before."

"Ah, is that so?" Lisa said, obviously uninterested. "How nice of Captain Denver."

"Don't be jealous," she slightly scolded him. "Shouldn't we be happy that Captain Denver is an ally?"

He paused for a while, then he nodded. "I guess you're right," he said finally. "But you wouldn't be allowed to use other pieces of jewelry aside from your wedding ring inside the temple. How would you use that?"

"I'm sure Captain Denver knows that," she said. "If he sent me this despite knowing that, then I believe that this bracelet has a purpose. I'll bring it with me just in case I might need it."

"Do you trust Captain Denver that much, honey?"

"Yes," she said truthfully. "I need to trust anyone who can help me survive." She cupped his face between her hands. " Lisa, I want to live long for you and our Baby Winter. And for that to happen, we need as many allies as we could gather. Plus, no matter how big of a help Captain Denver would be, in my heart, you're still the biggest support that I need." She kissed him on the lips. "You believe me, don't you?"

"Of course," he answered right away. "Sorry. I know that I'm starting to get annoying. I can't help but feel jealous. But from now on, I promise to be more open-minded. Please be patient with me, honey. I'm trying."

She nodded and gently pinched his cheeks. "I understand, hon. If another woman starts to get close to you, I'd feel jealous, too. But let's have faith in each other, okay?"

"Okay," he said while nodding. "Thank you for always being understanding, Irene."

"I want our marriage to last forever, Lisa," she said softly. "I know that it's not going to be easy because of who I am. Most of the time, I feel guilty. If only I didn't have this heart, then maybe we'd get to live peacefully."

"Shh, don't say that honey," he told her gently. "Your heart is the reason why we're together. And why you were able to carry our baby in your womb. I don't regret being married to you, Irene. I'm willing to go through anything just to be with you."

"Aww, you're so sweet," she said. Then, she opened her arms. "Hug me."

He gave her a small smile. Then, he held her by the waist and lifted her, causing her to squeal and hug his neck tight. In one swift movement, he was able to put her on his lap. " Irene, I know that you have to fulfill your duty as the Beast Priestess. Miss Luna also asked you to find the altar room for the Red Phoenix so you could hear its voice. I know that you're strong and smart. But if you feel like you can't do any of it, it's fine if you quit. We can always find another way to get what we need." He ċȧrėssed her face gently. "Remember, our priority is your safety. As well as Winter's, of course."

"I'll remember that," Irene promised her husband. "I won't risk my life and Winter's safety at the temple."

"Yes, thank you," Lisa said. Then, he kissed her forehead. "I'll be praying for your safe return, my babies."

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