Voice of the Supreme

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not offended anyone.]

LUNA knew right away that something was wrong with Lady Nystrom.

To protect her from being exposed as a Fire Mage from people who didn't know yet, she cast a spell that would make them "disappear" temporarily.

They were still in the lobby of the tower. But this time, they were inside a "cube" that completely hid their presence from anyone outside the cube. Only people at Captain Denver's level could see through her spell.

"Irene," Lisa said while trying to wake up Lady Nystrom who suddenly became unconscious. "Irene, please wake up."

Luna was confused.

She was sure that no one or nothing attacked the duchess. But why did she suddenly fall unconscious? Worse, her Mana was stable.

Her thoughts were cut-off when the baby in her arms touched her face.

She was surprised at how warm the little guy's hand was.

When she turned to the baby, only then did she notice that Julian had red hair– something that wasn't common among Fire Mages. And his dark eyes seemed like they held secrets that only him knew?

Luna felt a shiver down her spine. What are you, child?


Lisa felt helpless.

His beloved wife lost consciousness and he didn't know why. Worse, he couldn't do anything for her.

God, I feel useless.

He was still in the middle of berating himself when he noticed that Irene's chest area was now engulfed in a blinding red light.

A few moments later, Sentinel suddenly came out of Irene's heart as if he was forcefully pushed out of it. After all, the spirit guardian fell on his behind and he had a shocked look on his face while looking at Irene.

"Sentinel, what happened to you?" Lisa asked with furrowed brows. "Is there something wrong with Irene's heart?"

Sentinel, who suddenly went pale, nodded and pointed at Irene. "Look."

Lisa turned to Irene and he was shocked when he saw a shining red diamond floating above his wife's chest. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Yes," Luna said in disbelief. Just like him and Sentinel, the witch was also staring at the beautiful red diamond above Irene's chest. "That is Duchess Nystrom's heart."


Irene woke up inside an "aquarium" like "room."

To be honest, she didn't know exactly where she was.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself inside a "room" filled with "red water." She panicked at first, but eventually relaxed when she realized that she wasn't drowning. She tried to swim around and look for an exit.

But she didn't find one.

She was surrounded by reddish "glass wall" as if she was inside a red bottle or something.

Where the hell am I?

She hit the glass wall with all her strength but it didn't break.

"Damned wall," Irene said in anger while punching the glass. Surprisingly, she didn't feel any pain. So she punched it harder. "You're making me lose my patience, huh?"

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