Danger in the air

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]

Let's continue


Irene couldn't look at Saint Forrester straight in the eye.

After her "quick" love-making with Lisa, they took a bath together as fast as possible. After they got dressed, they met up with the saint in his room.

Please don't ask questions, Your Holiness.

"You both failed at the task I gave you," Saint Forrester said in a calm tone. "Duke and Duchess Nystrom."


She was surprised that the saint called them by their proper title this time.

Not "little Supreme" or "little Snake."

She also noticed that the saint was speaking politely to them now.

Is he sick?

"We still have time before dinner," the saint continued. "Should we start all over again?"

Irene and Lisa looked at each other, then they both nodded before they turned to the saint and spoke at the same time. "Yes, Your Holiness."

Wow, look at their good rapport.

Just soulmate things.

"Lady Nystrom, just do what I told you to do until you succeed," His Holiness said. When he snapped his fingers, Sentinel appeared beside him. "Sentinel will look over your progress while I give another test to the duke."

"Okay, Your Holiness," Irene said, then she turned to her husband. "Good luck on the test, Lisa. Fighting."

Lisa gave him a small smile, then he put a hand on the top of her head. "You, too, honey. But don't push yourself, okay?"

She smiled and nodded. "Okay."

Much to her shock, her husband "fixed" the high collar of her shirt. She deliberately chose that shirt to hide the love bites on her neck.

What are you doing, Lisa?!

The mischievous look on his face told him he was doing it on purpose.

He's teasing me in front of other people!

"Go away," she said between giggles. "Stop teasing me, hon."

Lisa just gave her a lazy, sexy smile as a response.

But their flirting was cut abruptly when the saint cleared his throat loudly.

"Rule number 1," Saint Forrester said with a glare. "No flirting in front of me, remember?"

Lisa let go of her collar and returned to having a poker face. "Yes, Your Holiness."

Irene stifled a laugh. "We apologize for our overflowing love for each other, Saint Forrester."


Lisa was surprised when Saint Forrester brought him in the bathroom. He expected the saint to send him to the same place where he sent him to before. "Are we not doing the same activity that you asked me to do before?"

"That one was too dangerous," Saint Forrester said, then he turned to him. "This time, I want you to get in the tub and fill it with water. To make it clearer, I want you to produce water out of thin air– just like how you produce ice."

He didn't like the sound of that. "Are you trying to make it easier for me because I suck?"


"We don't much have time," His Holiness said. "I heard that Lord Prescott is staying in the annex because he doesn't want to interrupt your time with your wife. But I'm certain that he'll call you for dinner. So we must finish this activity before your father-in-law comes here."

"Alright," he agreed. "I'll make sure to succeed this time."

"Haste makes waste, Your Grace," Saint Forrester reminded him. "But since it's you, I want to see what you're really made of."

"I won't disappoint you this time, Your Holiness," Lisa said, then he hopped in the bath tub and sat there. He wished Irene was there with him but right now, he had to focus on his mission. Let's get this done and over with so I can take a bath with my lovely wife again.


MIKHAIL Denver was surprised when a blue lizard suddenly appeared on his office table. "Captain Sherwood?"

Out of all the captains of the Four Orders, only Captain Sherwood owned a blue lizard that he also often used to send important messages. Yes, it wasn't an ordinary reptile. But this was the first time the captain used his blue lizard to communicate with him.

He didn't want to admit this but he suddenly felt nervous.

"Captain Denver," said Captain Sherwood's voice from the blue lizard. "Is it safe to talk right now?"

He looked around to make sure that he had locked the door of his office. The windows were opened but the tower was protected with a powerful spell that Miss Luna created. The witch would know if someone or something was spying on them.

Ah, I just realized that I already trust Miss Luna too much.

Still, the fact that Captain Sherwood was able to break the barrier to send the blue lizard to him was praise-worthy.

Well, he wouldn't be a captain if he wasn't that strong.

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