Morning Sickness

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]


"HONEY, are you okay?"

"No," Irene said honestly while she was on the floor. She just threw up even though she hadn't eaten yet. This morning, she woke up with an upset stomach. Then, she remembered that she was already in her sixth week of pregnancy. "But don't worry hon. This is just morning sickness. Pregnant women during this time usually go through this."

"We should find a doctor for you, Irene," Lisa said worriedly. He was kneeling beside her, still holding her hair. While she was throwing up a while ago, he stayed beside her and held her hair so it wouldn't touch the toilet bowl. "Can we not trust your family doctor?"

She shook her head. Then, she stood up. Of course, her husband assisted her. He also helped her wash her face and mouth. After she was cleaned up, he carried her back to their room.

Lisa gently laid her on the bed and sat beside her.

"Father said that the doctors that assisted my mother during her pregnancy were sent by Her Royal Highness," Irene said. "At this point, I can't even trust the doctors that our vassal families are recommending."

"Then, should we ask Captain Denver to recommend a doctor for you?"

She blinked in surprise. "That would be nice. But are you sure about that, Lisa? I thought you don't like Captain Denver."

"I don't like him," Lisa said flatly. "But I can set aside my personal feelings for you and our baby's sake."

She giggled at his honesty. " Lisa, you know that I don't have feelings for Captain Denver, don't you? And he doesn't like me that way. He's just nice to me because I have the heart of the Supreme. So, why are you jealous of him?"

"He's a Fire Mage."

She held back her laughter. To be honest, she wanted to laugh at how cute Lisa's pout was. But she didn't want to offend him. "Yes. And...?"

[Aww... he's still my adorable cinnamon roll.]

"Technically speaking, Captain Denver can be more of use to you than I do," he said with a pout. "Since he's a Fire Mage, he's the one who knows how to help you control your power. He also knows the history of your lineage. Whether I like it or not, I have to admit that the captain has the right to stay by your side." His face turned dark. "But I hate it. Even though I know that you need him, I still don't want to see him beside you. Most of all, I'm afraid that there would be a day that you'd need him more than you need me."

Ah, so Lisa wasn't jealous of Captain Denver. He was just afraid that she'd need another man for her protection. Her husband was the possessive type so she understood where he was coming from.

"That's not going to happen, Lisa," she assured him softly. "You're the one I need most."


She nodded and touched his face. "Really."

He looked relieved and happy to hear that. " Irene, you should stay at home. I'll do your errands instead."

To be honest, she didn't really feel good. She was a little workaholic so taking a break from work made her feel a little edgy. But for Winter's safety, she would endure. Her son would always be more important than work.

"I only have two errands for today," she told him. "First, I need to check the pre-order of my new jewelry collection."

She recently introduced the "pre-order system" to their customers. Anyone who would reserve their orders in advance would get a discount and the first dibs to the new pieces during the launch. The jewelry collection would only be available to the public after a week. And most of all, the slot for the pre-order was limited.

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