For Her Royal Highness

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]


MIKHAIL Denver suddenly found himself in the middle of a huge forest with literally living trees. The roots were moving as if they were ready to attack him anytime. He also couldn't see Flint anywhere.

But he didn't panic. He knew everything he was seeing was just in his head.

Mikhail laughed bitterly. "Seriously? You're using illusion on me? I admit that this is impressive. 'Almost felt real."

But of course, that really didn't work on him.

The Denvers' ability that they had been hiding from the royal family was their mind manipulation skill. Creating illusions could also be considered mind manipulation. Because he had hyper-awareness, such skills wouldn't work for him or his family members.

It's cute though.

"You're talking too much, Masked Stranger," Lady Hayward said. The woman was sitting on the branch of the huge tree in front of him. "If you're going to talk, then tell me the reason why you're following us sneakily."

Then, she waved her hand.

The next thing Mikhail knew, the roots of the trees were already wrapped around his body until it was impossible for him to move.

But only because he wasn't trying to break free yet.

"Before we talk about that, tell me where my companion is," Mikhail said. "Do you want me all to yourself or something?"

"Don't be haughty," she said with a frown. "My noble pride would get bruised if I killed a child so I let my companion deal with him."

He laughed at that.

But also, he noticed that Lady Hayward didn't care if her identity as a noble was revealed to an enemy. Well, he could tell that right away when she showed up before him without hiding her face. If that was the case, then it only meant one thing.

She's confident that we wouldn't survive today.

But he could use that arrogance of her against her.

"You seem confident that we wouldn't live to tell the tale," Mikhail started carefully. "But why are so hell-bent on silencing us forever? You asked the reason why we were following you. But even though I haven't started our purpose yet, it seems like you already decided to kill us. I can't help but wonder if you have an idea of why we were following you."

"Her Royal Highness has only one enemy," Lady Hayward said. "She already saw this coming. Before that tragedy happened to her, the princess had already given us an instruction. Her Royal Highness told us that if something bad happened to her, then we shall catch the heart and use it to heal her."

I knew it.

"But Her Royal Highness also warned us that getting to the heart wouldn't be easy," the woman continued. "She said the heart has hidden allies. Considering that I sensed your presence near the temple, it could only mean that you're here to protect the heart. In short, you're an enemy. And anyone who gets in the way of the princess shall perish."

"Okay, big words," he said nonchalantly. "Now I'm pretty certain that only one of us can leave this place alive."

She raised a questioning brow at him. "Do you seriously believe that you'd get out of here alive?"

"I admire your loyalty to Her Royal Highness. I understand what it feels to be so drawn to a person that you can give up your life for them," he said, his armband starting to melt. "As a sign of my respect, I'll kill you painlessly."

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