Unlikely Alliance

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]


Lisa didn't have a choice but to join his fellow captains for lunch.

Since they were all hungry, they went to the first restaurant that they saw. They were at Aristo so naturally, every store in there was high-end. The steakhouse that they chose was famous for its high-quality beef.

The majority of the customers were higher nobles. They seemed shocked and amazed when the four captains of the Four Orders entered the restaurant.

[This is a rare sight after all.]

To be honest, there was a line outside. But when the staff saw them, he immediately called the owner of the restaurant. Then, the earl who owned it escorted them inside and even ushered them to the VIP lounge. They had privacy there because they were separated from the hall where most of the customers were.

The VIP lounge was closed and was only opened for them.

[Well, the captains of the Four Orders are important people in the empire.]

"This is my first time in this restaurant," Captain Sherwood said cheerily after they made their orders. They all got rib-eye steak and red wine. "Am I the only one?"

"This is my first time as well," Captain Denver said. "Actually, I rarely get the chance to dine in restaurants since our workload has been full recently."

"Uh-huh," Captain Sherwood agreed.

"This is also my first time here," Lisa said. "If the food here is great, I'll bring my wife here next time."

"I've been here with my wife before. She loved it here. I'm sure Lady Prescott would be pleased if you bring her in this restaurant," Captain Ainsworth told him. "Captain Lisa, thank you for helping me reserve jewelry set for my wife. I heard the slot for the "pre-order" thing is limited. I'm glad I made it before it was gone."

"Oh, yeah," Captain Sherwood added. "Thanks for the ȧssist, Captain Lisa."

Before they left the restaurant, Captain Sherwood and Captain Ainsworth had successfully reserved a slot of Irene's pre-ordered jewelry set.

"You're welcome," Lisa said to Captain Sherwood and Captain Ainsworth. "Thank you for the patronage, captains."

Their small talk was interrupted when their food finally arrived.

Four staff served them, one for each of the captains. The steaks served to them were big and juicy. The bottle of red wine that came with the food was apparently the best one in the restaurant. Aside from that, the presentation was pretty as well.

[I'm sure Irene would love it here.]

All of the captains had only taken a bite of their steak when something unimaginable happened: the restaurant was suddenly attacked by rebels.

"Nobody moves!" one of the rebels, dressed like a proper nobleman, shouted while holding a rifle. How he managed to bring it in the area without being spotted by a knight would definitely be investigated. "We'll shoot everyone who'd move!"

The rebels were eight men armed with rifles and swords. Two of them closed the doors and the windows. Based on the noise and cry of help outside, it was obvious that the knights and the civilians were killed outside.

[We didn't hear or feel a thing. They must be using some sort of concealment spell. That could also explain how on earth they managed to sneak in weapons in Aristo.]

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