The Sentinel

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]

FOR SOME reason, Lisa suddenly felt very irritated. In fact, he accidentally froze the teaspoon he was using to stir his tea. Why am I suddenly feeling this way?

"What's wrong, Your Grace?" Luna, who was sitting from across him, asked. "What did the poor teaspoon do wrong for you to freeze it?"

Right now, they were back in Lord Prescott's house.

They brought Captain Sherwood's men along with them and locked them up in the basement. Before that, they made them write and send a letter to the captain with his message. He told Captain Sherwood that if he didn't give him a proper explanation before the day ended, he would kill his people.

After that, Louisa made tea for them. The head maid was the only servant that he brought along from the mansion. To be honest, he didn't think about bringing servants with them. But when he realized that he'd be alone with Luna, he changed his mind. He didn't want other people to see him with another woman and create a nasty rumor from it.

In the past, he didn't care about what other people thought about him. But now that he had a wife, he wanted to be careful of his actions and protect his family in all aspects.

"I felt irritated for some reason," Lisa answered Luna's question after the ice in the teaspoon melted. Since it was only an accident, the ice he created was very thin that it melted by itself. "Miss Luna, aside from the High Priest, are there other males in the temple?"

When he sent off Irene in the temple this morning, she was fetched by priestesses. He was relieved then. But now, he realized that other priests might be in there as well.

He really didn't know much about the temple since he wasn't a religious person. Maybe it was because he grew up as an orphan. But in the past, whenever he was asked by the ȧduŀts around him to pray, he would feel strange. Like he wasn't supposed to worship anything or anyone. And he didn't know why he would feel that way.

Of course, there are other men in the temple aside from His Eminence," Luna said as if she was wondering why he asked the obvious. "The temple is the house of priestesses and priests. Plus, since it's also the house of the saint, the Holy Knights are there as well. Are you worried that your beloved wife would be surrounded by other men?"

His cheeks burned in embarrassment, but he still nodded as a shy confession.

"With all due respect... are you stupid?"

He almost choked at the witch's direct mockery. But he knew where she was coming from so he couldn't really get angry at her.

"The High Priests, the priests, and the Holy Knights have taken a vow of celibacy," Luna reminded him while shaking her head. "No matter how lovely you think Lady Nystrom is, no one would hit on her in the temple."

"You'd never know," he countered. " Irene is beautiful inside and out."

"Your Grace, how much do you love Lady Nystrom?" Luna asked seriously. "I don't mean any harm by my question. I'm just genuinely curious. I mean, aside from being a Fire Mage, she also has the heart that Her Royal Highness wants. I know that you're very strong. But can you really protect her and your child from the whole empire?"

"I'll probably die along the way," he admitted in a soft voice. This was the thing that he could never say to Irene. But for some reason, he could open up to Luna. After all, the witch was someone he knew he could trust. "I'm not that arrogant to think that I'd escape the war against the royal family unscathed. But before I die, I'll make sure that Irene and our son would have a safe future. They are the reason I'm living. And I'm willing to die for them."

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