Legend of the Moon Serpent

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]


"MISS LUNA, what exactly are we going to catch?" Lisa asked Luna while silently following behind her. Right now, for a reason unknown to him yet, she brought him in a long, dark, and empty alley. "You weren't talking about real rats, were you?"

Luna stopped walking. Then, she turned around to face him. But her gaze went past him. "Caught them," she said. Then, she raised her palm and pointed it in his direction. "Boo!"

He was surprised when an energy wave was released from her palm. It was too late for him to avoid but thankfully, he didn't have to. He wasn't hit by the strong wave. But he heard some people groan behind him.


When he turned around, he was surprised to see two men on the ground.

How come I didn't feel them following us?

Luna seemed to have read what was on his mind because she answered his questioning look. "They have been following you since we arrived here. And you probably didn't feel them because they were covered with high-level pieces of equipment. Most of all, your mind has been all over the place because you're worrying too much about your wife."

Oh, that made sense.

And now, he felt ashamed of himself.

I shouldn't let my guard down.

Lisa stood in front of the two "stalkers" clad in dark blue cloaks. He stomped his feet on the ground, causing a thin layer of ice to literally freeze the strange men on the ground. He made the ice go up to their ċhėst. No wonder the two looked afraid of him. "Who sent you after us? State your purpose and the location of your other companions if you want to live."

"W-We don't mean any harm, Your Grace!" one of the men said, his voice shaking from fear and cold. "We were sent here to protect you!"

Okay, that was totally not the answer he was expecting to hear.

"P-Please believe us, D-Duke Nystrom!" the other pleaded. "C-Captain Sherwood sent us here and told us to m-make sure that no one would attack y-you, Y-Your G-Grace!"

To say that he was shocked to hear that would be an understatement.

"Captain Sherwood?" Luna asked in an amused voice. When he turned to her, he realized that the witch was already standing beside him. "The captain of the Blue Dragon Knights?"

"Yes. Captain Sherwood is the leader of the Blue Dragon Knights," Lisa confirmed with a nod. Then, he turned to the two men. "Did Captain Sherwood say what kind of threat do you need to protect me from?"


"THE MOON Serpent?" Irene asked curiously. She didn't want to admit this but the title sounded so cool that it made her heart thump in excitement. Or maybe it was Winter who was excited and not her? "That's the first time I heard of it."

"Let me share with you a myth that's almost unknown to the empire now, Your Grace," Howard said, still kneeling in front of her. She wanted to say that he may sit properly but he looked quite comfortable in that position so, in the end, she didn't say anything. "In a time way before the Moonchester Empire was built, there used to be seven moons in the sky. Six of these moons decided to leave the sky and come down to earth, taking the form of humans. Only six were able to come down because sky god required one of them to stay and light up the night."

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