A Father's Decision

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not offended anyone.]


"LADY Prescott and Captain Lisa, I'll be honest with you."

Irene felt nervous at what Dr. Montero, the female doctor who checked on her, said. The doctor had dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tan complexion. She was probably in her forties but her kind face made her look younger than her age. Also, her voice was soothing. She was the type of doctor that could make her patients feel at ease.

But still, when it came to her son, she could not be nervous.

It seemed like Lisa noticed her nervousness because he held her hand and squeezed it tight. When she turned to him, she gave him a thankful smile before she faced the doctor again.

"You're only four weeks pregnant but the heart of your baby is already almost fully developed," Dr. Montero said. "It happens when the child is gifted with a very strong Mana."

Irene wasn't surprised to hear that. [Even in my past life, my doctor said that Winter had a very strong Mana befitting the child of the prophecy.]

Come to think of it, her doctor was given to her by Princess Tiffany then.

[Not this time. I'll find a doctor that I can trust.]

"The problem is your body, Lady Prescott," Dr. Montero continued. "Your Mana is weak and so you'll have a difficult pregnancy."

That also happened in her past life.

"Doctor Montero, what can we do to make sure that Lady Prescott and our baby are both going to be safe?" Lisa asked carefully. He referred to her formally because they were talking to someone they weren't acquainted with. "Can I do something for my wife and child?"

The doctor smiled before she answered Lisa's questions. "Lady Prescott is only at the early stage of pregnancy. She can still work as usual but of course, she has to be extra careful. It's also important to eat healthy food and have enough rest. You can support your wife by giving her moral and physical support, Captain Lisa."

This time, Dr. Montero directly talked to her. "Lady Prescott, I know that you're a businesswoman. I won't stop you from running your businesses but I'll advise you to lessen your working hours. If you want, I can also prescribe you some vitamins to make your body stronger."

"Thank you, Doctor," Irene said with a smile. "I'll have to turn down the vitamins. I'll try to make my body physically stronger the natural way."

She couldn't trust other people easily now that she knew that people wanted her heart.

Once she found a trustworthy doctor, she'd take vitamins if she needed to. But for now, she wouldn't take any medication from anyone she didn't trust yet.

" Irene, are you sure you don't want to take vitamins?" Lisa asked worriedly. "We need all the help we can get to make sure you'd have a safe pregnancy."

"I'll be fine, Lisa," she assured him with a smile. "I want to be healthier the natural way. It's not that I don't trust the doctors or the vitamins. I just want it to be an option instead of a necessity."

"Lady Prescott is correct," Dr. Montero assured Lisa with a gentle smile. "We don't want your wife's body to be dependent on medicines. Although vitamins are proven to boost one's health, it's still on a case-to-case basis. The vitamins may or may not be good for Lady Prescott. So f course, strengthening one's body through natural means is still the best way to go. Healthy food and enough rest will be enough for your wife, Captain Lisa."

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