Forgotten Beast Gods

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]


"I DON'T think it's working," Irene said in frustration. "I can't produce fire."

She did what Lisa told her to do. But even though she found the hole in her heart thanks to Winter, she still couldn't produce fire within her body. The only thing she could do was what she was already capable of: making her body temperature hot.

[Well, it feels like my body is hotter than usual. But my goal is to produce fire.]

" Irene, don't be too impatient," Lisa slightly scolded her. "The fact that you found the hole at your first try was already a huge feat. I found mine after a week of training."

"But our baby helped me find it," she said with a pout. "Plus, you were a child then. You were still better than I am."

"Honey, don't underestimate yourself," he said patiently. "A small progress is still progress. Great things don't happen overnight."

She wanted to be powerful as soon as possible so her slow progress irritated her. But Lisa was right. Just because she awakened as a Fire Mage didn't mean that she would wake up powerful. It was kind of similar to working out.

[You'll get hurt if you start exercising without warm-up.]

"You're right, hon," she said while nodding. "Great things take time."

He nodded, then he caressed her face with the back of his hand.

But all of a sudden, he hissed as if he was hurt. Then, he pulled away from his hand from her face as if he was burnt. He looked at her with a shocked look on his face.


" Irene, your body is unnaturally hotter than usual," her husband said in surprise. "I think if it weren't for my Mana, you would have burnt me to ashes."

She laughed it off. "Don't exaggerate hon."

Maybe Lisa only said that to uplift her spirits.

She picked up the face towel next to her and was shocked by what happened next: the face towel suddenly lit up with red flame. In just a few seconds, it completely turned into ashes.


" Irene, I think it worked," Lisa said in amazement while looking at the ashes of the towel that she just touched. Then, he looked at her face. "Your power is incredible."

Irene gulped, then she looked at her hands. "I'm a little scared of my power, Lisa ."


"Lisa is the Black Serpent itself?" Captain Sherwood asked in disbelief. "How did that happen, Your Majesty?"

"Right now, the Four Ancient Beasts are seen only as of the emperor's weapon," Taeyeon said. "But the truth is, the Four Ancient Beasts are gods. Before the Moonchester Empire was built, the kingdom where the empire started was called a different name. The ruler of that land was King Aleo who had two sons: Auro and Kalel Moonchester."

"I know that King Auro Moonchester was the first emperor of the Moonchester Empire," the captain said in confusion. "But it wasn't written in any history book that the first emperor had a sibling."

"King Aleo hid Kalel's existence because the first son was special."

"Kalel Moonchester was the first born?" he asked in surprise. "Then, he should have been the heir apparent."

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