Supreme Fire Mage's Awakening

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not offended anyone.]


When Lisa reached the top of the highest redwood in the forest, he finally got a closer look at the majestic flaming bird. But his forehead knotted in confusion when he realized that the Red Phoenix wasn't moving.

[Did someone shot it with a paralyzing bullet?]

He hated that he had to attack the red bird when it couldn't fight back. It felt worse to know that he was going to take advantage of other people's handiwork. But he wanted to win the Hunt. Honestly speaking, he was used to dirty tactics because of his assassination missions. But hunting a legendary beast like this was taking a jab on his pride.

He shook his head to get rid of those thoughts.

[Eyes on the prize, Lisa.]

He got down on one knee and prepared his rifle to hit the Red Phoenix in both eyes.

According to Duke Prescott, the Red Phoenix– albeit being a replica– would look for something important to it. Hence, it would "wake up" agitated. To temporarily stop its movement, he had to literally blind the red bird. Once it loses its sight, it would stop flying and would rest on top of anything tall enough to its liking. A giant tree or the castle's rooftop, for example.

But since the Red Phoenix had fast regeneration, he had to capture the flaming bird while it was still blind.

[I can't miss.]

When Lisa was sure that he would hit the target, he finally pulled the trigger.

But before the bullet could even reach the Red Phoenix, the majestic bird suddenly disappeared in thin air.


"Hey, careful," Captain Sherwood complained when he saw him. "You almost shot me, Captain Lisa."

"Sorry, Lisa said casually. "I didn't expect that the Red Phoenix would suddenly disappear, Captain Sherwood."

Just where did the majestic flaming bird disappear to?


Irene didn't know if she was hallucinating or something.

But right now, she was looking at a beautiful flaming red bird in the sky. Its golden orbs were staring straight back at her as if it finally found the thing it was looking for. She could read it in its mesmerizing eyes.

"Come," Irene whispered, relieved to hear and feel the beat of her heart again. When her body finally felt light, she opened her arms to the red bird. "Come to me."

The Red Phoenix seemed to understand her because it suddenly started to come down to her at an alarming speed. But even though the giant bird was engulfed in red flame, she didn't feel scared. She could feel that it wouldn't hurt her.

When the Red Phoenix was a few meters away from her, her body started to float until she was standing in the air. She wrapped her arms around the red bird as it enclosed her in its soft and warm wings.

"Can you feel my wrath, Red Phoenix?" Irene asked the red bird while stroking its soft feathers. It moved its head as if it was nodding as a response to her question. As she expected, the phoenix could understand her. "Then, burn the b*tch Tiffany Moonchester for me."


Irene knew that wasn't herself at the moment.

The wrath in her ċhėst was taking over and she couldn't stop it. Rather, she didn't want to. She was tired of Princess Tiffany messing up her life again and again. That b*tch would probably stop only when she was dead.

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