New Skill Unlocked

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not offended anyone.]


FOR SOME reason, Irene felt very powerful today.

Well, she had always known that she was a proud woman. She was born in nobility and had a privileged life. Most of all, she was aware that her confidence often times came across as arrogance. This may sound like an excuse but she couldn't really help it.

But this time, something else felt different.

Something inside her seemed to be making her more confident than usual.

"Captain Denver, isn't mind manipulation one of your best abilities?" Irene asked curiously while they were walking down the stairs that would lead to the basement cell. Count Huxley was being held there until the royal knights come to arrest him. Since Lord Huxley was a higher noble, Captain Denver couldn't touch the count so easily. That was why a noble trial was required if he wanted the count to pay for his crimes. "Did you try manipulating Lord Huxley's memory to make him forget about your real identity?"

"I already tried it but unfortunately, it doesn't work on Lord Huxley," Captain Denver, who was walking in front of them, said. "Apparently, he has a strong resistance to mind manipulation. I guess he has the ability to control his thoughts."

"How did Lord Huxley find out that you're a Fire Mage in the first place?" Lisa, who was walking beside her, asked bluntly. "House Denver has managed to protect your family and the tower all these years. What went wrong?"

The captain stopped walking and so they were forced to do the same.

"It was my fault," Captain Denver said in a voice filled with guilt. Then, he turned around to face them. Yep, the captain really looked guilty for some reason. "Lady Nystrom, there's something that I need to confess to you."

"Confess?" Lisa asked, his yellow-ish eyes glowing menacingly. "Confess what?"

She rolled her eyes and gently nudged her husband. "Let the captain talk first, Lisa."

"Okay, honey."

Captain Denver looked confused but in the end, he decided to ignore Lisa's "threat" and proceeded to explain. "Me and Flint secretly followed when you went to the temple, my lady."

She blinked in surprise. To be honest, she was supposed to ask why the captain had to bring a child along. But she remembered her conversation with Lisa about that so she just let it slide. "You did? But why?"

"Because before you left for the temple, a lot of strange but strong people arrived at the Royal Capital," the captain explained. "We recognized some of them as Her Royal Highness's cohorts. We thought they came to avenge the princess. I considered the possibility that they knew that you have the heart and the fact that you were the one who burned Her Royal Highness to crisp. And so, I decided to secretly follow and protect you."

"I just didn't want the Supreme to worry about that when she had a huge task on her plate," the captain reasoned. "And to be honest, we Fire Mages wanted to do this on our own."

So in the end, it was still all about duty and pride, huh?

Lisa frowned, obviously not pleased with that. "Captain Denver, you lead a squad. You should know that the safety of people you want to protect should come first before your personal interest."

"I know that now, Your Grace," Captain Denver said, then he bowed. "My deepest apologies for my selfishness."

"It's okay, Captain Denver," she said. "Now, I want to know how Lord Huxley found out about your secret."

The captain raised his head before he answered the question. "One of the assailants who went after you was Lady Alisa Hayward."

She gasped a little loudly. "I know her. Lady Hayward is a doctor," she said. "And one of Her Royal Highness's closest friends."

"That's right," the captain confirmed. "We clashed and when I found out that Lady Hayward intended to kill you, I fought and killed her. On the other hand, Flint took care of Lady Hayward's companion and finished him off."

She gulped.

Was that how Flint became a warrior?

"Good job, Captain Denver," Lisa said. "But did you reveal your identity to Lady Hayward while you were fighting her?"

"That was the biggest mistake I did," Captain Denver admitted, shame written all over his face. "I had a mask on when I was fighting her. But while she was being burned alive by my flame, I revealed my identity to her as a Fire Mage. I didn't know how but she managed to share that information to Lord Huxley."

Her brows furrowed. "How was Lady Hayward related to Lord Huxley, Captain Denver?"

"Apparently, they were engaged to be married."


Now she understood why Lord Huxley was angry enough to attempt to kill a Fire Mage in Captain Denver's tower. But that didn't mean that she was sympathizing with the count. Venting on a child warrior was still unforgivable.

"Did Lady Hayward see Flint during that time?" Lisa asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

That warmed her heart.

Ah, my husband really cares about Flint despite their constant bantering.

"I'm certain that Lady Hayward didn't see Flint then," Captain Denver said. "But I'm guessing that Lord Huxley targeted Flint to get back at me. I killed his fiancée so he wanted to kill my disciple in return." His jaw clenched, obviously holding back his anger. "This is my fault. I should have been more careful."

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