Conflict as Old as Time

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]

"THE High Priest worships our son, Lisa," Irene said to Lisa. She should have said this from the start. But there were so many things they had to discuss first so she almost forgot to tell him about the conversation she had with Howard. "He told me that our son is the Moon Serpent that will swallow the moon someday."

"The moon represents His Majesty," Lisa said in surprise. "Was the High Priest implying that our son would kill the emperor in the future?"

She nodded as confirmation. "According to him, that's the real prophecy."

"If that's true, then does it mean that His Majesty knows the truth from the start?"

"That seems to be the case."

"If His Majesty is waiting for our son to be reborn despite the prophecy, it only means that he needs our son for something important," Lisa said with a hint of worry in his voice. "I don't like this. He wants your heart and now, he's aiming for our son who hasn't even been born yet."

She noticed that Lisa was angry. His golden eyes were gleaming with anger and his jaw was clenching hard. "Hon, calm down," she said gently, then she cupped his face between her hands. "We won't let anyone use or hurt our baby boy. We're here to protect him, right?"

That seemed to calm him down. "Yes, we will protect our baby."

She smiled and kissed him on the corner of his mouth.

He returned the favor by kissing her fully on the lips.


"But honey, why do you want the High Priest to join our side?" Lisa asked after the kiss. "He tried to hurt you. And I don't trust people who worship other people."

Her husband has a point.

"You're right. The High Priest is supposed to be on the neutral side," she agreed. "Whenever there was war between kingdoms, their neutral ground would always be the Holy Land. I can't trust the High Priest for serving two masters. He claims he's a man of god but he follows the emperor's unreasonable requests." She looked at her palm that Howard cut. The wound was already healed, but she would never forget what he did. " Lisa, the High Priest tried to take my blood and use it to heal Her Royal Highness."

He growled angrily. "God, His Majesty is really making me angry."

She turned to him and gave him a sympathetic smile. "His Eminence said that His Majesty told him to use my blood to try and heal Her Royal Highness."

His brows furrowed in confusion. "Can your blood do that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I forgot to ask Wixx. But aren't Ancient Beasts considered as gods? A lot of people seem to worship them."

"Isn't it only because they're old beings?"

She laughed at that. "That's the only reason why you think the Ancient Beasts are worshipped?"

"I don't know why but I never understood why the Ancient Beasts are worshipped," he admitted. "The Blue Dragon is just an extra large snake. The Black Serpent is just a large reptile. The Red Phoenix is just a flaming bird. And the Golden Tiger is just a plump tiger."

Again, she laughed until her stomach hurt. " Lisa, you are so rude. If the gods heard you, they would punish you." .

"Wouldn't that be bullying?" he asked in a teasing voice. "The noblesse oblige teaches the nobles like you that the strong must protect the weak."

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