Chapter 1 The Day That My Life Changed

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thank you to my friend CowboyOnFire and TheSpaceGuyGamer and Nthephantom for helping me with the story please show there story's and art some love at at and

I hope you all enjoy and don't forget to please spread the word to others especially your friends to read, follow, comment, and vote on the story by doing an announcement shout out with a link to the story or any way possible.

No one's POV

The sky was dark and cloudy with no signs of the sun shining thru. The clouds unleashed their payload of rain down upon the earth below. And down below a car drove to the local church and, emotions of the occupants inside the car matched the vibe outside.

Mike's POV

I felt like my whole world ended today. Today is the funeral of my Mom and Dad. It was only last week the Police knocked on my door and asked if would come down with them to station, they brought me down to the station and told me that they were shot while walking back to their car and had their belongings stolen such as Jewelry, money, and their phones. Now I was in my uncle's car on our way to the church for their funeral.

I was listening to music to distract me from the past and present events, I hoped listening to my music would help calm me. But I didn't feel any better and I honestly don't know why I even bothered in the first place, but I still continued to listen regardless. In my second attempt to take my mind off things I decided to watch the raindrops roll down the window slowly. I felt like the slow rain was a metaphor for my world slowly coming to ruins having just lost my parents and just that thought made me whimper as tears filled my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. After a few more moments we arrived at the local church, my uncle drove into the parking lot and quickly found a spot to park the car.

We got out and started making our way towards the main entrance. I take out my ear buds and put them away in my blazer pocket, as we were walking to the entrance, we walked past the church graveyard. I look over to it and, my eyes laid upon two freshly dug holes which I knew were for my parents. Even though the gravestones were a fair bit away I could still read their names on them, and I bit my lip trying to hold myself together and looked away and continued to walk until I had reached the main entrance then proceeded to headed inside, with my uncle not far behind me. Upon entering, I could see their open caskets down the walkway past the pews, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and mumbled under my breath

mike: "This is going to suck but here we fuckin go" as I try to man up as I walked down to their coffins.

Their coffins were a dark wood of some sorts with brass handles, and they were placed before a stone alter, a large stone carving of Jesus Christ was on the wall behind it. I felt beyond pissed as I looked around at the empty church. No one had even bothered to show up for the funeral, our family was a mess, I knew that, but I had at least hoped that they would have shown some decency to at least pay their respect, or even be there to comfort me, but no, They only cared about the money in the fucking will. Even though they were not there they still had the nerve to place wreaths of flowers by the coffin it made my blood boil and it only made me feel worse when I saw my parents in the coffins.

I could see that they tried to patch up the holes that were shot when they were executed in the street by putting some kind of putty there and covering it up with makeup to make it less noticeable. I felt sharp pain in my heart upon seeing their faces and I could felt my eyes fill with tears as I cried silently and felt them roll down my cheeks, I head bowed as I crouched at the coffins of my parents, one hand on each respective coffin. I gained my composure for a bit and decided to speak to them for one last time before they were put to rest.

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