chapter 10 Saving a Hellhound's Life

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Everyone at I.M.P was waiting for Mike to come back which Loona has been a bit worried

Blitzo: Did he forget about us like, he's been gone for 2 hours already

Everyone: 2 hours!

Loona: What he could be in trouble!

Millie: Oh jeez, did he say where he was going?

Blitzo: Uhh, no all he said was he was gonna be out, I didn't think he would be gone for 2 hours

Moxxie (whose all wrapped up in bandages): *muffled sounds*

Blitzo: Oh shut it Mox he's probably coming back any second now


Blitzo: Aaaanyy second now


Blitzo: Anny *Crashes* Goddamn it Mike why-

Everyone began to notice Mike and a very wounded Tex

Millie: Mike What happened?

Mike: Now is not the time (before carrying Tex past everyone and down into the lab)

Mike: Fuck where do I place him

Alfred: Place him on the table to your right

Mike immediately rushed over before placing Tex on the table

Mike: Ok what now

Alfred: You will need to begin a surgical procedure

Mike: What?!? I don't know any medical-

Alfred: Compose yourself sir, I will guide you

Mike: But what if I mess up, what he'll-

Alfred: He won't sir, just follow my instructions

Mike: (Takes deep breaths) Ok what do I do

Alfred: You will need to cut open the wound where the gunshot has hit, I will scan his body structure now

Alfred then began scanning Tex's body structure and finding the wound

Alfred: Done, here is the structure and where the bullet has hit him

Mike looks over at the data and spotting the area Tex was shot at

Mike: Where is that at?

Alfred: It appears to have struck his kidney sir

Mike: Fuck that can't be good

Alfred: Sir I advise you to remove his upper clothing before the procedure

Mike: It'll take too long, I'll have to just roll up his clothes for this

Mike then begins to roll up Tex's shirt and finding the black blood spotted bullet hole

Alfred: Now sir, your going to need a cutting tool to cut open the wound to remove the bullet

Mike immediately looks around before rushing over to the tools before grabbing a tool sharp enough to cut skin before making it back before holding onto the tool over Tex's wound

Alfred: Easy sir, you must keep yourself composed if you are to do this correctly

Mike: (Takes deep breaths) Ok

Alfred: Now proceed to cut into his body, but not to far you may damage him even more

Mike then begins to slice into Tex's body slowly as the smell makes Mike gag but he holds on for Tex's sake

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