chapter 12 Promised Secrets

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We are seen back at the Hazbin Hotel as Mike's identity has been revealed to everyone in the hotel

Charlie: Mike you're a human this whole time?

Mike didn't have the courage to look at any of them in the eyes

Vaggie: Hey Mike look at me (Mike still refused to look) MIKE (Getting Mike's attention afraid of what they'll say)

Vaggie: Hey I'm not mad at you, I can understand why you would hide this from us

Angel: I don't

Vaggie: Shut up

Charlie: Hey look Mike, just because we know your human shouldn't change anything, you still want to help us right?

Mike: Umm, yeah

Charlie: Regardless of who you are it shouldn't change your goals

Mike: I-I guess your right

Husk: I hope your not gonna start crying on us cause I'm not dealing with that kid

Mike: I'm not a kid I'm 17

Husk: I didn't ask kid

Angel: Aww don't mind Husky, for what it's worth I still think your a cool guy to hangout with

Mike: Thanks

Alastor: Ahem

Everyone looks back at Alastor a bit defensive from before

Alastor: So now that that's been resolved-

Vaggie: Woah, hold it you think you can just call that resolved, you could have hurt anyone of us during that fight!

Alastor: Of course, Mike I hope this little ordeal doesn't hurt our fine relationship, this was just a means to answer some things towards my own curiosity

Mike: Umm...

Alastor: Perhaps I shall make you some Jambalaya if your hungry from our little play fight

Mike: You call that play fighting?!?

Alastor: Why yes, now do you wish for me to make some Jambalaya?

Mike's stomach begins to growl much to Mike's embarrassment

Alastor: Hah, I couldn't disagree more, that fighting really took me out some

Alastor then proceeded to the kitchen and make some Jambalaya as Mike was getting patched up

Vaggie: Hey you doing alright?

Mike: No I'm not this isn't how my plan was supposed to go, I'm supposed to be discreet and keep my identity a secret and I just blew it

Charlie: Well not quite, we still haven't made it public so everyone basically knows your still a robot

Mike: I guess so but the more people that learn about me, the more danger their going to get into especially the ones I care about

Angel: Aww you care about us? You hear that Husky?

Husk: I can fucking hear you, *mutters* goddamnit

Charlie: Wait, you actually care about us?

Mike: I mean why wouldn't I, to me all demons there just like regular normal people

Vaggie: Really, even after Alastor's bullshit earlier

Mike: Well I mean don't get me wrong I'm annoyed at him doing that to me but it doesn't matter if your human or demon it depends on who you are and your actions to me, inside we are all one in the same

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