Chapter 20 Days to remember.

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It's been a few days since the sleepover. From that day, they continue to hang out and go on dates. Today however, none of the girls haven't seen mike all day. Loona was especially worried since she's usually the first person he sees.

Loona: Hmm.

She was on her usual desk at work and was in deep thought. Millie walked passed her while humming.

Loona: Hey uh, Mil?

Millie: What is it Loona?

Loona: You've seen mike anywhere?

Millie: Hmm, now that you mention it, I haven't.

Loona: Huh, maybe I should call him.

Loona got her phone out and called mike but it went to voice mail after a minute. Loona got even more worried.

Loona: He's not answering. Oh god, he could be hurt, or kidnap, or even worse!

Millie: Calm down Loona. Just think, where would he be?

Loona: Ok ok, uhh. Well he might be in the lab, he usually goes there when he wants to be left alone but even then he would still answer my calls.

Millie: Well it's a start.

As they were about to leave, Moxxie and Blitzo came into the office, with Moxxie being annoyed at blitz shenanigans.

Moxxie: For the last time sir, we can't get sponsored with our line of work.

Blitzo: Oh you just love killing my dreams, do you Mox! (To everyone in the room) Hey Loonie, mils, and... where the fuck is mike. He knows we don't do sick days right!?!

Loona: Mike's not here.

Moxxie: He's not? That's weird, he's usually on time.

Millie: That's why we're heading to his lab.

Loona: It's the most likely place he would be.

Blitzo: Well what are our asses still doing here! Our employee is missing and as a boss, almost all my employees ar important to me!

Moxxie: Almost all?

Blitzo: Mox we don't have time for your BULLSHIT, let's go!

They all went down stairs to mikes lab, Blitzo trys to open the door but it was locked.

Blitzo: Welp, time for the busting to happen!

Blitzo brought out his pistol and was about to kick down the door but Loona stopped him, hearing something behind it. She put her ears against the door and heard what sounded like crying. Loona grew worried and lightly knocked on the door.

Loona: Mike, are you ok in there?

Mike didn't answer and Loona tried to pull the door open, but with no avail. Blitzo was once again about to kick the door down but Moxxie coughed for his attention and showed that he had keys.

Moxxie: I rather not want to get my paycheck halved because of this.

Moxxie went to the key hole but relized that he didn't know which key it was, which didn't help with the sheer amount of them.

Moxxie: Ok let's try (key fails) nope ok so it't this one (key fails) aw crumps alright so it has to be-

Loona kicks the door down impatinly and she went inside to find mike.

Blitzo: Well mox, this is definitely coming out of your paycheck.

The three also went inside and looked around the place. Loona found mike on his desk with his ear buds on, silently crying while staring at something. Loona slowly walked up to mike and tapped on his shoulder, making him turn around.

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