chapter 56 Going Norse part 3

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Mike and the gang were were following athena to there next destination to get to asgard. They eventually made it to a ancient stone bridge that was leading off a cliff, with ancient text on the bottom of it.

Athena: Well, here we are.

Mike: Alright so what do we do?

Athena: Stand near the edge and lift the gem high up.

Mike: thats it ... alright then.

Mike went to the edge of the bridge and held the stone up high, waiting for something to happen. Soon enough, the sun shined on the crystal and a large swirling rainbow shot out of it, going high into the sky. Mike looked at it in wonder and worried not seeing anything like this before and the girls were amazed.

Mike: So uh what now?

Athena: Jump.

Mike: what!?! Do you not see the amount of energy that this thing is giving off?

Lucifer: He's right (Walks up to mike and puts his hand on his shoulder) we don't even know if this thing is safe or not.

Mike: ... uhh exactly.

Lucifer: That's why we got to test it.

Charlie: ... dad what are you getting at?

Lucifer: Oh nothing.

Lucifer then pushed his hands on mikes chest and pushed him through the rainbow portal. The girls freaked out and instantly went to the portal, hoping he was alive.

Lucifer: Mike! ... Are you dead!?!

Charlie: Dad why did you do that!?!

Lucifer: Oh come on, I'm sure he's fine...right athena?

Athena: uh ... its been a while since since anyone has used this.

Lucifer: ... Uhh-

Suddenly, one of mike's octo arms appeared out of the beam and grabbed onto lucifer.

Lucifer: ... See he's okAY-

Lucifer got pulled into the rainbow bridge however as he was going up the arm was swinging him back and forth hitting his head and body against the walls of the beam which felt solid on the inside. Eventually, he went through the other side of the bridge and saw mike standing next to him with a smirk on his face.

Mike: So what did we learn about doing things before telling someone?

Lucifer: Don't because it makes it a whole lot funnier?

Mike: Do you want me to make you wear a tutu in the middle of hell?

Lucifer: ... You really are 8 years old if you think that'll embarrass me.

Mike: Threw out all the rings.

Lucifer: (Rolls eyes while being sarcastic) Fine, don't or I'll be sooooo embarrased. Now can you put me down?

Mike: Sure.

Mike then just let go of Lucifer but he floated about an inch of the ground, pushing himself up with no issue. Soon enough, everyone else went through the portal, with some of the girls being dizzy but not as bad as with Apollo's carriage. Mike then turned around and to his surprise see asgard or what was left of it at least with it just being an empty black void with chunks of rock and debrie floating around.

Loona: This is ... asgard?

Crymini: It's a complete dump.

Camilla: But you can tell it used to be beautiful.

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