chapter 63 V's past

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Mike was currently in the living at home sitting on the couch as loona and summer were cuddling against him watching tv as he feed summer chocolate due to her having more cravings thanks to venomous as the other girls were doing there own thing however across from them on the other couch was dia who was staring at them from time to time having a somewhat jealous look. Summer glanced at her general direction, which made dia look away and act as if she in deep thought, but Summer knew better. However, much to summer's dismay, she didn't mind at all.

Summer: (In her head) She's acting exactly like when she first met, and somehow it's still as cute as ever. Fuck I can't belive I just thought that! Although maybe ... no, we both know why we can't do that.

Venomous: (In Summers head) Tell me about it, thanks to you I both somehow want to rip her head off and kiss her at the same damn time.

Summer: (In her head) I wasn't talking to you.

Venomous: (In Summers head) Who else is there to talk to in here?

Mike: sum?

Summer: Huh?

Mike: Are you ok? Your head has been in the clouds for a few minutes.

Summer: Yeah just ... thinking about stuff.

Mike: What would that be?

Venomous: (In summers head) Like Dia being cuuuuuute~

Summer: Shut up.

Mike: ... uhh ok sorry?

Summer: Oh sorry not you, the blob in my head.

Venomous: (Comes out of Summer's shoulder) Blob!?!

Mike: I'm sure she meant it as a cute name v.

Venomous: I'm in her head, no the fuck she didn't!

Summer: (Shoves a whole piece of chocolate in her mouth) Oh quit being such a baby.

Venomous grumbles as she chews on the chocolate and goes back into Summer, which Mike couldn't help but chuckle at. He then looks up to see Dia staring at them again but this time looking a little down.

Mike: You ok dia?

Dia: Peachy.

Mike: You sure? You sound upset.

Dia: What do I have to be upset about, everybody is happy, I'm happy, so nothing's wrong.

Mike: ok but you sound ups-

Dia: I'm fine ok!?!

Mike stood still for a second as he felt a little hurt and put his head down, making her regret yelling at him and for Summer to scowl at her. Loona patted Mike's head to make him feel better, which caused him to hug them both deeper and for Dia to look even more jealous. Suddenly, out of nowhere Venomous came out and screamed bloody mary, making everyone, mostly Summer, freak out. Mike quickly got up as he grabbed onto the sides of her face gently.

Mike: V what's wrong?


Mike: what? What is it?

Venomous: Where I came from! I remember where I came from!

Mike: Where you come from? V you need to take a deep breath and explain.

Venomous: Ok ... ok, I think I came from the 8th ring, treachery. That's the why I've been dreaming none stop about ice and snow.

Crymini: Guess that explains the fire hate.

Loona: Ok but isn't treachery, you know, been gone for over 500 years.

Venomous: I guess I'm older than I look.

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