chapter 51 Helloween season

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The girls were in the living room not doing anything in patigular but they did notice that mike wasn't around, nor has he for quite sometime.

Loona: Hey, you guys seen mike?

Verosika: Not since this morning.

Octavia: Well he has to be somewhere.

They started to look around the cave and eventually decided to split up. Queen and Loona were in a hallway that seemed much darker than it should.

Queen: Weird, the lights should on here.

Suddenly, they heard a strange noice almost like metal scratching against the wall. Loona and Queen looked around, however Loona seemed more ready to fight than Queen, they all the heard what sounded like little children singing

???: One, two, Freddy's coming for you.

Loona clenched her fist, ready to attack, while Queen got behind her.

Queen: What the fuck is going on?

Loona: Don't know, just get behind me.

???: Three, four, Better lock your door.

They then heard all the doors and windows lock shut, making them more tense.

Loona: Show yourself!

???: Five, six, grab a crucifix.

The entire room then rearranged itself looking like it was building upside down. Loona and Queen was now more confused and unsettled by the whole situation, getting more and more scared by the second.

???: Seven, eight, Gonna stay up late. Nine, ten, Never sleep again

All of a sudden freddy krueger jumped out of the dark with his metal clawed glove raised high ready to strike.

Freedy kruger: Fresh meat!


Loona punched Freddy in his deformed face but he disappeared in 1's and 0's. Suddenly, everything went back to normal when it did. Mike was seen lying against the wall laughing hysterical.

Loona: ... Mike what the fuck?

Mike: Oh I got you two so good!

Queen: Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-

Loona: (Angered) Mike what the actual fuck was that!?!

Mike: Oh just a little something I've been working on for this year's halloween.

Loona: Hallowhat?

Queen: C-can we n-n-not do that if halloween means more of t-that?

Mike: You know Halloween, the day of the dead, the one day where all the monsters come out, trick or treating, eating candy?

Loona: Sounds like a thing for kids.

Mike: Oh no it's not! It's the one night where humans and all the monsters coexist, the night where fright is celebrated where people can talk to deceased relvities.

Loona and Queen had very highly doubt his claim, thinking that they would have heard a day like this.

Loona: Yeah sounds like a kid thing.

Mike then had an annoyed and a little angry face and walked off, making loona feel both confused and a little bad. The whole group of girls came running into the hallways.

Crymini: We came at the screams!

Jayjay: What happened!?!

Queen: Mike just scared the ever living shit out of us.

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