Chapter 27: Trouble

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Mike was sitting down in the hotel lobby with Summer on his lap as he pets her. Summer lightly purred while he did it. Loona looked jealous like she wanted to be pet as well. Loona sat right next to him and put mikes hand on her head, with an aggressive look all the way through.

Loona: You better not be forgetting about the rest of us.

Mike: Aww loona, if you wanted to be pet as well all you had to do was ask. I would be happy to pet you both.

Summer: I can't believe I have to share with you.

Loona: Same here.

Mike: if you two are gonna act that way then no one gets pets.

Summer and Loona shutted up and let mike petted them. After a few minutes, Zilla groaned loudly for everyone to here.

Zilla: I'm so fucking bored!

Octavia: We couldn't tell.

Zilla: Isn't there something we can do? Go out on the prowl? Night club? Anything!?!

Mike: I'm just having fun petting the kitty and puppy.

Zilla: Good for you. What about the rest off us?

Mike: Hmm well me could go to a new mall that just opened up in New York. I read thats it very good.

Zilla: New York? As in the New york? On the human world?

Mike: The one and only.

Verosika: Wait, you've never been to the human world?

Zilla: Never had the chance or time. Although I did give myself a human disguise just to see how that would go.

Octavia: How did it go?

Zilla: Wasn't impressed.

Summer: Huh, it's been awhile since I've seen the human world. Wonder how much has changed.

Mike: Oh a lot has changed. So i'm guessing were going to the mall then huh.

The girls all said yes with a nod and mike set his suit to make a portal near an alleyway next to the mall and everyone got into there human disguises. Speaking of which, Summer now had light brown skin with dark brunette hair. She had less reviling clothes, a simple yellow tee shirt and skinny jeans. Zilla had a light skin with dyed green hair and red accents, her outfit was a ripped shirt with a t-rex skull and a torn jean short shorts, complete with a spiked choker and spiked wrist bands. Mike couldn't stop himself from staring at summer and zilla for how amazing and beautiful they looked.

Zilla: You like what ya see?
Mike: uh h-huh.

Zilla: Well good this is the only time your gonna see it.

Summer: Weird, it still feels like I have my features.

Loona: Yeah, it happens. You'll get used to it.

Summer: But why is it-

Loona: I don't know, I think it happens because your brain doesn't know there gone. I'm not an expert!

Mike: Well everyone lets get this show on the road.

Mike lead them to the mall, which was much bigger than they thought. Having four floors and a massive food court, they knew this would be good.

Verosika: It's so big.

Crymini: That's what she said.

Octavia: There's so much to explore.

Crymini: That's what she said.

Loona: Could you not.

Crymini: You guys make it way to easy.

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