chapter 54 Going Greek part 1

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Mike was currently sitting on the couch in the cave with zilla and camilla by his side as they watched tv. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the rapid knock on the door and mike went to go answer it when he opened the door he saw a lightly muscular man with a helmet, thin toga, slipper with wings, and a staff with snacks coiling around it and a pair of wings on the tip. Mike looked at him confused not just by what he is wearing but not knowing who he is.

???: Greeting young one. You wouldn't happen to be Mike virtuoso Campbell, are you?

Mike: Uhh ya and how did you get my last name?

???: It's not that hard to get. Now, I'm here to say that you are invited to mount Olympus! Home of the Gods!

Mike: ... (laugh) oh god oh god sorry give me a minute (breaths) Ok listen I have no clue who you are or what your doing here but nice costume and good joke so have a good day.

Hermés: Hmp, I would assume a good looking boy like yourself would be better educated. I am Hermés, Messenger of the Gods.

Mike: so you're a mailman?

Hermés: Hmm, they are rather important. Yes, I am the Gods mailman.

Mike: Alright so what is it with this so-called invite?

Hermés: Well, Zeus told me that Aphrodite was rather ... hurt by your last meeting. So he wishes you and Camillia to come to Olympus and settle the whole mess.

Hermés then, in the blink of an eye, got really close to mike with a sensual smile.

Hermés: And maybe once that is over, we can have nice night filled with love.

Mike: ... ok one get a breath mint and two I don't swing that way.

Hermés: I doubt it. A body like yours should not be confined to one gender.

Mike: You can say what you want but my body is just for women.

Hermés: (Sigh) If that's what you insist. Well, I'll be on my way now. Be there by next dawn and not a moment later.

Camillia: Hermés?

Hermés: ... Camilla.

Mike: i'm guessing you two know each other?

Camilla: Well he was sorta my favirote uncle slash cousin.

Hermés: Yes, we sure did have our fun in your youth... the fates sure are mysterious in there ways.

Camilla: Yeah, especially when you became an ass kisser.

Hermés: At least I'm well off, you can barley keep a home for yourself with that degenerate "hobby" of yours.

Camilla: That hobby is something I love!

Mike: Cam just ignored him, he's not worth it, trust me. I thought as a god he would act better but then again he's literally wearing sandals with wings.

Hermés: Hmp, how rude. Well I'll be off now. Don't be late~

Hermés disappered in blinding speed, leaving a dust cloud in his shape. Mike then closed the door and sat on the couch acting as if nothing happened, making Camillia a bit confused.

Camilla: Aren't you ... worried?

Mike: Cam, we've already dealt with your mother and that was very annoying. I'm not wasting my time going to see that overgrown cry baby.

Camilla: Sure she's annoying, but the other gods are not ment to be fucked with. Just ... do me a favor and try to behave?

Mike: Behave? You really think I'm going to go all the way there hell no besides he said it's an invitation you can decline those.

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