Chapter 21: Combing businesses

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Inside of imp headquarters, everyone was was waiting for Blitzo to come into the meeting he himself called in.

Mike: so whats this meeting about?

Loona: Beats the hell out of me.

Moxxie: Leave it to Blitzo to be late for something he sets up.

After sometime, Blitzo came inside while zipping up his pants.

Blitzo: Sorry about that, had to take a shit the size of a watermelon.

Moxxie: Disturping visual aside, why did you call this meeting?

Blitzo: Businesses has been slow as of late, we haven't been getting any new clients and the rent is expensive as shit. So, anyone got any ideas on what the fuck to do?

Millie: Oh what about-

Blitzo: If it's a car wash again I swear millie!

Millie: ... sorry.

Moxxie: Don't apolgize to him!

Loona: You could go into prostiution biz blitz. Seems to be working well for you so far.

Blitzo: Oh ha fucking ha. Anyone has a idea!?!

Mike: ... umm i have one.

Blitzo: Finally someone with a real idea. Well spit it out kid.

Mike: well theres this other business with a few other friends that i know there in the same situation as ours and i thought maybe we could do a business contract together and help one another.

Blitzo: Really now! Well what's this other business?

Mike: uh the ... happy hotel, run by charlie morningstar, the princesses of hell.

Blitzo: ... Nope.

Moxxie: What! Why not?

Blitzo: That stupid fucking buisness is already running itself to the ground and were already in a tight spot.

Mike: and i also thought that octavia and ... verosika could help as well.

Blitzo: (Inhales while holding the temples of his nose) I'm trying so hard not to yell at you. I mean it.

Mike: but blitz think about it with the back up of charlie from her business and with octavia and verosika as our sponsors and spokes people to the spread the word out you could be making multiples time more the money then your making right now.

Blitzo: I refuse to work with that slut!

Mike: ok first of all shes not a slut and if you say it again in front of me i will bitch slap the red off you and second you dont really have a choice its either that or bye bye imp.

Blitzo: ... Hold on.

Blitzo opens the window and shoots at a homeless man across the street and shot at him until he was out off bullets, despite the first shot already killing him. Blitzo then closes the window and looks back at mike.

Blitzo: Of this goes wrong, that would be your best outcome.

Mike: it won't trust me now that were going with this i should give everyone a call this meeting will be very important so mox you will be our negotiator.

Moxxie: I can work with that.

Mike: perfect ill go get the otheres so lets get ready to leave.

Mike existes the meeting room and goes over next door to were verosika does her work he then knocked on the door. Vortex opened the door and smiled when he saw mike.

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