Chapter 19 Hanging Out with Friends Part 2

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Back from the spot the group was wondering where to go next but Verosika had another idea

Verosika: Oh, I've got an idea

Octavia: *Sweatdrops* And that is?

Verosika: I'm sure we're all sick of Mike wearing that suit of armor majority of the time right?

Crymini: Hmm... yeah it is kinda getting in the way though

Loona: Did you forget that he's human?

Verosika: Which is why we're going to the living world

Everyone looks at Verosika

Mike: ... wait really you want to go back to earth?

Verosika: Well, aren't you sick of wearing that armor suit all the time?

Mike: Well ya but im just one person with all of us on earth what if something you know happens

Crymini: Oh please anyone wants a piece of me is gonna get the fangs

Octavia: You can't go to the human world like (motions Crymini) this

Crymini: What wrong with me being me, huh tweety bird?

Loona: You don't have human disguise dumbass

Crymini: guys have human disguises?

Octavia: Technically, I don't but I think I can make us human disguises

Verosika: That's all I need to hear

Loona: We still need access to the living world, and Blitzo has it

Verosika: You just had to remind me of him

Mike: hmm well maybe if we ask nicely he will give it to us ... maybe?

Both Loona and Verosika look at each other for a second before looking back

Loona / Verosika: Not a fucking chance

Loona: Blitzo isn't gonna give us the damn book even if I asked

Verosika: He's fucking selfish, there's no way we're goona fucking ask for it

Loona: ...It's a good thing that I've kinda prepared for this, since this isn't the first time I... "borrowed" the book from under his nose

Crymini: Oh I didn't know you to be a savage like me

Loona: We're nothing alike

Crymini: Oh right, you loved it when-

Octavia: Ok, look I'm not sure about this though

Verosika: Oh come on, this is just one time, are you afraid that daddy is gonna find out?

Octavia: ...Well... yeah

Crymini: What daddy bird doesn't know won't hurt you (leans towards her) (whispers) Besides, don'tcha want to see Mike under that suit of his~

Octavia: ...*Sigh* Just not to long though

Verosika: It's settled then ladies, now (looks at Loona) the book?

Loona: Follow me

Mike: Wait, wait, hang on (sighs) if this is something you guys really want to do then fine but we're gonna do it my way to make sure that everything goes well and there's no need to steal the book I bet I can convince blitzo to hand it over to me.

Loona: And what makes you think you can convince him?

Mike: with my voice.


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