chapter 44 Sick day

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Mike and the girls were in the living room doing various things, Mike however was making coffee but was looking and acting a little different. His eyes looked saggy as he was coughing and sneezing a lot. The girls looked at him with concern.

Verosika: You uh, you doing ok?

Mike: Wha? Oh ya, I'm fi-.

Mike loudly sneezed before finishing that sentence, having a bit of snot hanging from his nose.

Mike: Fine.

Loona: Your sick mike!

Mike: No, I'm not.

Octavia: Yes you are! You look like your about to die.

Mike: No, I'm as healthy as I've ever been, it's just allergies.

Verosika: Allergies to what?

Mike: pollen.

Verosika: ... inside of a cave?

Mike: ... I said I'm fine, alright guys.

Verosika ignored him and placed the back of her hand in his forehead, feeling a high fever.

Verosika: Mike your hotter than lava! You shouldn't even be standing.

Mike: Oh come on, I've been through worse I can go on with my day.

Verosika: Like hell you are.

Verosika grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the bedroom. Mike tried to stop her but he felt to weak and was forced to lay on the confortable bed.

Mike: did you just man handle me?

Verosika: I did. Your gonna stay on this bed and drink the medicine we give you. Is that clear?

Mike: y-yes ... Wait is there some type of spell that can get rid of this?

Verosika: ... hold on.

Verosika left the room and after a minute brought in Octavia with her Grimmor. Octavia opened the book and started chanting, making mike glow. However, mike wasn't feeling any better.

Octavia: Did it work?

Mike: No.

Octavia: So you are sick!

Verosika: Via, why didn't it work?

Octavia: Well it should've got rid of whatever he had ... unless it's a Hell cold.

Mike: A hell cold?

Octavia: It's a lot like a regular cold ... at first. After a while thing get weird.

Mike: uhh has a human ever had this before?

Octavia: I don't know, in fact every text book I read said a humans immune system shouldn't be able to handle it and would die if they were infected... so I guess you not being dead is a good sign?

Mike: Well the human body is adaptable to new environments, maybe my immune system changed during my time in hell.

Octavia: Maybe, but the fact you have similar symptoms means you this will only get worse over time.

Verosika: So what do we do?

Octavia: Keep him hydrated, make sure he sleeps, feed him raw garlic, thats a big one. Just give him time to heal and he should get better by tomorrow.

Verosika: Then that's what we do.

Mike: What? No, I don't need to be babied.

Verosika: Your not being babied, your being cared for.

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