chapter 35 Mike vs Zill

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In the middle of the forest, zill and mike were watching jack from a considerable distance. Jack was a bit confused, as he was just called here by mike but not knowing why.

Jack: Soooo, why are we here?

Zill: You didn't tell him?

Mike: No, I wanted it to be a surprise. Jack, we called you here because we're gonna test out your new abilities and skills.

Jack: I thought I was just 1% luckier? You can't really test luck, believe me, I tried.

Mike: No but you can control it at will to your advantage. Not only that you have enhanced senses, strength, and reflexes and more. Not as strong as zill but still.

Jack: Ummm, ok? How do we test that then?

Mike: Well, seeing that we are in a safe environment surrounded by trees, go a head and punch one, will start there.

Jack looked to a tree that seemed relatively strong and punched the tree as hard as he could. The tree cracked and had a large dent, impressing both mike and zill until he held his hand in pain.

Jack: Ow! That hurt!

Mike: let me guess that's your first time punching something?

Jack: Ye-yeah. Zill makes it look so ... not painful.

Zill: You get used to it.

Jack: I guess, so uh, what's next?

Mike: Lets see how long and fast you can run.

Jack: Ok.

Jack was about a mike away from them in a running position. Mike had a stop watch and zill had his hand up with a green energy ball, ready to shoot.

Zill: Ready ... GO!

Zill shot the ball and mike started the clock. Jack sprinted as fast as he could to them, once he ran past them and mike stopped the clock, he still ran for quite sometime, not feeling tired.

Zill: (Watching him run around) Sooo how fast was that?

Mike: 30 miles per hour.

Zill: Oh wow that's pretty fast. (See's jack sill running) and he's still going.


Mike: (chuckles) and having fun.

Jack went in front of mike and zill and wasn't out of breath in the slightest.

Jack: So what's next?

Mike: how about reflexes?

Jack: Yeah ... how do we-

Jack's world seemed to slow down when he saw Mike's suit shoot what looked like some sort of energy stun blast. Jack's body leaned back to dodge it while doing a one armed backflip. His sense of time went back to normal and looked at mike a bit angry.

Jack: Why did you do that!?!

Mike: To test your reflexes.

Jack: Well, be more careful next time.

Mike: Oh it was only a stun blast the most it would have done was knock you out.

Zill: Ok so that's streath, speed, and reflex. Now's there his luck.

Mike: Right, now Jack, for you to do this is concentration, think about what probability you want to happen.

Jack: Umm, I guess having a thunderstorm happen right now is a pretty good tell.

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