Chapter Thirty-eight💜

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Taehyung headed straight home after seeing Y/n this morning but I had to close up the café and make a sign stating we're closed tonight. None of us were in the mood to work and I'm sure Jin, Yoongi and Jimin know there's no work today. Its a pretty clear picture but I text them all just to be sure, even if what happened back there this morning wasn't really a good situation for all of us.

Coming home I stomped in, kicked off my shoes and just dropped my jacket by the door just to storm towards the kitchen.

I need a drink, a strong fucking drink.

Maybe Taehyung does too but I'm sure he's somewhere, maybe bedroom or living room I don't know. I didn't even check.

Angrily opening and closing the cupboards I poured myself a small glass of tequila. Not the first thing I had in mind to drink but the first thing I saw in the cupboard. I need this, I don't care if it's still the morning. I took about three shots myself before just coming to a stop and stare blankly at the counter top covered in alcohol that I missed into the shot glass.

Arms and hands stretched out on the counter I could only think back to what happened an hour ago.

She's pregnant.




Like how the fuck has this even happened?

She takes that pill like it's a religion. I don't get it and I don't want to get it, all I know is that Y/n is pregnant and clearly one of us is the father.

Either Taehyung or I are going to be a father.

I sighed coming to that thought after processing this all together.

This would all be different if we didn't fuck up. Like how she found out, most likely we would of been there with her and it would most likely be a more happier time. But none of that happened and that's what hurts the most knowing she's pregnant.

A small sound pricked my ears and I came out my thoughts but chugged down another shot before heading towards that sound. I didn't know what it was at first until I followed it to the living room.

I stood in the door frame to see Taehyung curled up on the couch, his knees bend up to his chest as he sobs into his hands. His shoulders even heaving up and down as he cries. To see him like that brought tears to my eyes and I was trying to hard not to cry. Up until this point I was doing well but I cant stand by and watch him cry like that.

Walking over to him I sat down beside him and wrapped my arm around him and pulled him into my side. He didn't protest or even say anything to me at this point and I didn't say anything to him either. There was nothing to be said right now.

In the end I ended up shredding tears and hugging onto him desperately, curling myself into him and we just sat there crying together until eventually we both calmed down enough and Taehyung formed his first words.

"W-We fucked up." Taehyung

I sighed, wiping my tears from under my eyes and looked up at him but he was still looking down with his head low.

"We already figured that out Tae."

He lifted his head and met my gaze with his own eyes, tears still streaming own his cheeks.

"No, this time we fucked up big time. Like huge big time. She's pregnant Jungkook. FUCKING PREGNANT!!" Taehyung

His loud voice made me flinch and I sat back from him when he sat up onto his knees and leaned against the arm of the couch, rubbing his head through his now messy hair, blankly staring off to the corner of the room.

"What the hell are we going to do?" Taehyung

I remained silent for a moment, I didn't know what to say to him.

"I don't know. I guess we just have to wait until she's ready to speak to her about this. It's all on her terms now."

He nods but forms a scowl upon his features.

"I already know one thing though." Taehyung

"What's that?"

"Who ever the father is will more likely see her more than the other that is not." Taehyung

His dark eyes met mine again and that hard frown on his face never disappeared. I just stared at him, I didn't even think about that and I have to admit a little jealousy crept up on me. If he's the father then he may spend more time with her than I would.


I cursed and looked away, shifting my body to face forward away from him and more to the tv that was still off.

"But I don't think that will matter anyway." Taehyung

"How so?"

I asked him still not looking at him and staring at the black screened tv.

"Because we both know Y/n and if she sets her mind to something, then that's it. She doesn't want anything to do with us so mostly one of us will be the type of dad that gets to see his kids on the weekends and that's it. No other relationship with the mother at all. No relationship with Y/n." Taehyung

I grasped what he said and stay silent. I didn't like that idea. I hated it and we may have fucked up but I'm not willing to let it go that easily. I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to her if I have to and knowing one of us got her pregnant, Im starting think may have happened for a reason.

"Well I'm not giving up that easily."

I spoke gritting my teeth together and balling up my fists on my lap. I cant loose and I wont. Even if I'm not the father I don't care, I'll try my damn hardest to get back to where we once were even if it's going to be the hardest thing I've ever done.

For her it will be forth it.

"Im not either." Taehyung

Tae and I looked at each other, not uttering another word to one another but both staring into each others eyes with that same determination in our eyes.

It was clear we both had the same thoughts. We're going to try and get her back no matter the cost.

But for now, we'll wait until she's ready to talk to us about this and after that we will try everything and anything to get back to how things once were.


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