Chapter one 💜

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"Tae!! Go get more muffins from the back!"

"You go get them, I'm busy!"

"Doing what? You've been staring at Y/n's ass for the last ten minutes and I've called your name three Times."

"And? Your point is?"

"Just go get them!"

"No. I said I'm busy."

"Y/n's ass doesn't count. Now move it!"

"It does count for something. You do it too!"

"YAH! You little bi-"

"Stop it! We have customers!"

I cut him off while I turn around to face those bickering best friends of mine with a glare. I'm not angry as this is a daily thing but the fact it's in front of customers is when I'll put a stop to it. Both men stare back at me with apologetic looks and look down to the floor.

"I'm so sorry about that. Here's your change."

I apologised on their behalf to the older woman who only seemed to be surprisingly okay with it as she grins at me while taking her change that I placed in her hand from behind the til.

"It's perfectly alright dear. I remember what it was like to be young again." Woman

I was surprised by her comment but ignored the little snickers coming from the boys behind me. The woman laughs lightly before walking away to take a seat somewhere inside the café that the three of us own together. Once she took her seat with her tea and scone, did I turn around again and grab the two surprised men and drag them to the back of the café, through to the bakery where Jin, our close friend and employee was working in the back on making more croissants for the shop.

"Yah! What are you all doing back here?!" Jin

"Sorry Jin but these two have been bickering in front of customers."

I pointed to the two that were just grinning to themselves as we stay by the doors so we could see through the little windows if another customer were to come to the counter. I smacked both boys on the top of the heads with hands now placed on the hips.

"Could you two not do that in front of customers? It's embarrassing! I know my ass is perfection but you don't need to talk about it around other people!"

Taehyung giggles while Jungkook looked away with a pink blush to his cheeks.

"I cant help it Y/n that ass is fine." Taehyung

I sighed with roll of my eyes. Taehyung is an ass man and makes it painfully obvious. He has done ever since we met ten years ago at school back when we were fifteen.

"Yes, thanks for that."

"You can actually thank Hoseok for that! I told you he was great for work outs on the ass!" Jin

True. I had been doing a lot of workouts with Hoseok, another friend that I met through Jin since he started working here for the past two years. But Hoseok just recently got married so Ive had to work out at home with out him.

"I still don't like that by the way. You don't need another man to work out with when you have me!" Jungkook

HIs jealousy never gets old.

"Jungkook Hoseok is a married man now and he's gay! What is there to worry about?"

I sighed and turned my back to him to head over to the stack of muffins that Jin had made earlier that were ready for display in the front of shop. Something Jungkook asked Taehyung to do earlier.

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