Chapter Forty-three💜

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I have been in deep thought for the last week and jin thought a little baby shopping would take my mind off things for a while.

It's kind of like a 50/50 type deal. One minute I'm thinking about Jungkook and Taehyung and the next I'm too busy with the baby stuff that I don't think about them at all.

Wondering from shop to shop with Jin and Namjoon, they seem to be just as excited as I am about the babies coming. I still don't know the genders yet as Jimin wants to plan a gender reveal party in two weeks time. So at my gender appointment Jimin is going to come with me and who ever the father may be, I still don't know yet and Jimin will sort out everything. It'll be fun I think and I'm looking forward to it.

But first I should get the DNA results before I found out the genders. I should get them any day and that's another thing I've been thinking about. To think that one of them is the father and the other is not.

It dampeneds my mood massively to the point I've now gone quiet at the table not touching my food.

"Okay what gives now?" Jin


I asked him after coming out my thoughts and looked up at him from across the table giving me this stern look with brows raised.

"You were in deep thought about something." Namjoon

"And whatever it was, it wasn't good." Jin

He pointed at me and then to my plate of cheesy fries covered in mayonnaise, pickles and jalapeños. One of my cravings lately, I can't say no to that delicious dish.

"You haven't touched your fries." Jin

I shrugged and picked up my mango and passionfruit smoothie and sucked on the straw.

"Well I'm fine now. What were you both talking about?"

Both jin and Namjoon glanced at one another before jin shook his head as well as his hands and got up from his chair.

"I'm going to the rest room. I'll be right back." Jin

I nod and Namjoon and I watched jin leave the table and head towards the direction of the rest rooms before he disappeared around a corner.

"So Y/n are you going to tell me what you were thinking about? It was them wasn't it?" Namjoon

I nod and pick up a fry just to stare at it covered in mayonnaise.

"Yeah, among other things."

Shoving the fry into my mouth I looked up at Namjoon watching me, raising a brow at me.

"What other things?" Namjoon

"Well them of course but also the DNA results and how it could affect the three of us even more and I was thinking about the gender party Jimin is putting together and then on top of that I have this reunion coming up in six weeks and I'll have to face Eunbi again if I decide to go and at this point I don't know if I want to. Then ther-"

A hand slapped across my mouth, stopping me from my rambling and Namjoon just sighed, shaking his head.

"You need to stop thinking so much and take everything with a pinch of salt as time goes on Y/n. Thinking too much at once isn't good for you or those babies." Namjoon

He pointed to my now visibly belly and removes hand from my mouth. I nod with a little sigh and slumped back in my chair, circling my hands over my stomach as I thought about my babies.

"I guess so but I cant help but think about all this stuff Namjoon. It worries me and it's all I ever think about."

Namjoon just hums at me and sips on his coffee before responding back.

"Don't worry about the future Y/n, think about the here and now and just go with it." Namjoon

"It's easier said than done Namjoon."

"Perhaps but if you really need to focus on something then think about Jungkook and Taehyung. Jin told me about what happened in the office on opening day." Namjoon

I let out a little laugh, now thinking back on it I find it amusing on how Jungkook and Taehyung handled Eunbi but I appreciated it a lot even when I was ready to deal with her myself, they did it for me.

"Yes. They should of done that in the first place when she spiked their heads with lies. It still hurts though Namjoon, that they believed her so easily and we were friends for over ten years. You would think they would know me better than that."

I felt tears coming to my eyes but I looked away and wiped my eyes blinking and willing myself to not cry in a public place. Stupid pregnancy hormones have me crying all the time now.

"I'm with you on that one Y/n, they shouldn't of believed Eunbi over you but given one of them is your babies father, perhaps with slow very slow steps things could go back to the way they were?" Namjoon

I scoffed a him, rubbing my stomach and shaking my head.

"No. Things cant be the same because only one of them can be the father Namjoon. Someone will always be left out, so it wouldnt be fair to start up something with one and not the other.

"Then you're okay with losing both completely?" Namjoon

His question caught me off guard and I froze blinking up at the man now pressing his lips into a line before he sips more on his coffee.

My phone pinged a text and I came out my frozen state and picked up my phone to see it was a notification stating a have an email of the DNA results. I gasped and dropped my phone to the table and Namjoon flinched.

"What? What's wrong?" Namjoon

I shook my head, unable to find the words as a million things go through my mind at once. The results are here and I'm only two clicks away from finding out who the father of my babies is.

"Now I'm back. What are you two talking about?" Jin

He says as he smoothly slides into his seat and smiles but it soon fades away when he sees my panicked expression and Namjoons concerned face.

"What's going on?" Jin

Jin looked back and forth between us but I didn't speak, just staring down at my phone that I've now picked up on my hand.

"I don't know." Namjoon

"I-I got the DNA results."

I managed to speak and Jin gasped and banged his hand off the table.

"Then come on, what are they? Who's the baby daddy? I got to know." Jin

"Jin calm down. She'll open it when she's ready to." Namjoon

I opened up my phone and opened up my emails but didn't open the email itself just yet.

If I got this email that means that both Jungkook and Taehyung got the same. I wonder if they opened it by now or are too scared to open it like me?

"I'm scared."

I mumbled, taking a deep breath my finger still hovering above the email.

"You don't have to read it right now Y/n. You can wait until you get home." Namjoon

I shook my head, but still didn't look up at him.

"No, I have to do this now or I'll never look at it."

Jin got up and came to sit in the chair beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and peering down at the phone screen with me.

"We're right here Y/n." Jin

I nodded at him, meeting his gaze for just a moment before I looked back down at my phone, taking a deep breath and finally opening the email. Reading it was so hard but I read it very carefully until at the bottom it read the results.

Jin gasped and then let out a loud laugh and jumped up from the chair.

"I knew it!! I knew it!!" Jin

I just stared at the screen, reading it over and over again. Now I know who the father of my babies is.

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