Chapter fourteen💜

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Another two weeks passes by and it seems like it went so fast but Could be because we came back to our home town to visit our parents.

Taehyung arranged everything and out of the three of us we was the most excited but that didn't mean Jungkook wasn't either, he was just more cool about it. I however was shitting myself. In the end after deep thinking I thought to myself long and hard that if I'm completely serious about this relationship with Taehyung and Jungkook then not only should I be honest with myself but also my parents.

It's the plan to meet all of our parents at the arranged restaurant in a private room in the back. Again it was all Taehyungs planning and Jungkook and I went along with it.

None of us stayed at our parents house and even though we spent the night in town already we were staying at a hotel. The three of us in one room of course and we used this time as a day to walk around the town and think back on the memories we had as teenagers.

Like when we would hang out at the park or when Jungkook got fake ID and tried to buy alcohol from the small shop on the corner of the Main Street. Of course he didn't get away with it but it's still something to remember. It was all good times.

Now that it was evening time, we changed our clothes and set out to meet our parents at the restaurant. I stuck to Taehyung like glue by holding his hand when we were taken to the back of the restaurant to our private room. Butterflies of nerves was building up within myself but none of our parents were here yet thank god so I still had some time to try and chill.

Taking our seats at the table wine was already offered to us while we wait and I instantly accepted that offer. Taehyung didn't want any alcohol right now so it was just Jungkook and myself drinking wine.

Our room was quiet as we waited and both boys tried to make smal talk but I was too nervous to say anything about anything. I decide the best and safest place to sit would be in between Jungkook and Taehyung just in case my dad blows up when he's told our news but I know he will, it's inevitable.

"Y/n everything will be fine. I'll do that talking okay?" Taehyung

He patted my hand that rested on the table  with a reassuring smile. I nodded forcing a smile back at him and he cupped my cheeks to kiss my lips but Jungkooks sudden stand almost knocking his chair back surprising Taehyung and I and flinched back from one another.

"Mr and Mrs Kim! Hello!" Jungkook

My eyes widen and I look over across the room to the doors to see in deed Taehyungs mom and dad had come in the room. Both grinning ear to ear and greeted Jungkook back closing the door after they stepped inside.

"Jungkook what did I say about calling me mom!" Mrs Kim

Her calming yet amused tone relaxed me and I snickered to her comment when I stood up to also greet them. Taehyung being the first to hug his mom and then his dad. I was next and said my hellos and gave them both a hug. Listening to taes mom mention I was a little on the skinny side. I'm sure if she had anything to do with it she would have me chubby. Then lastly it was Jungkook who received hugs and I think Taehyung dad mentioned something about Jungkook being a bit more bulkier than the last time they saw each other which would be a lie. Jungkooks been spending a lot of time at the gym these days especially since we entered this three way relationship.

Taehyungs parents took their seats at the table, Me Kim at the top of the table next to Taehyung while his mom sat across from him. So far so good, but they don't know anything yet. The three of us have just been acting the same way we alway have with each other except this time without the kisses since it wouldn't be appropriate yet.

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