Chapter thirty-five💜

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The room was silent and no one dared say a word.

I sat on the bed, staring blankly at my hands resting on my lap, zoning out the distant voice coming from the doctor and Yoongi.

I could see in the corner of my eye Hoseoks hand softly placed above my knee but I don't bother to look at him.

It's only been fifteen minutes since I woke up and apparently I passed out due to low blood pressure which they would like to keep an eye on for a while but after more talk from the doctor I zoned out trying to wrap my head around it all.

This seriously can't be happening to me.

Not now.

I want to cry but I'm all out of tears from crying so much this last month that I no longer have tears that could fall.

When the door shut I managed to snap out my trance and look over to where the door and then towards yoongi standing at the end of the bed. Smiling softly at me as he pats his hand on the tray table.

"So erm, I don't know if you heard any of that but he'll be right back for a scan. Are you okay with that?" Yoongi

I nod and lowered my head again.

"How can this happen? Y/n said she's been taking the pill every day religiously, right y/n?" Hoseok

I nod again, pressing my lips into a thin line when I glanced at him quickly.


I mumbled under my breath.

I have been taking the pill every day since I was sixteen. None of this makes sense how now all of a sudden I'm pregnant.

"See. Something must of happened at the pharmacy or something like they given her the wrong pills." Hoseok

"I don't know Hosoek you're asking the wrong guy. Dr Yang said it happens sometimes." Yoongi

Again the door opened quickly with a bang as it was pushed open abruptly from the other side and slammed into the wall.

The three of us startled turned to the door and in came a out of breath Jimin, closing the door behind him and hunched over with hands to his knees taking deep breaths.

"Fuck Jimin you scared us." Yoongi

Jimin held up a finger asking for a minute to catch his breath.

"Don't tell me you ran all the way here Jimin from your brothers?" Hoseok

Jimin sighed heavily and stood up straight, cracking his neck and stretching.

"Of course I did. The moment Yoongi called me I stated running since y/n needed support." Jimin

He came rushing over and sat on the bed next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side and pecking a kiss to the top of my head as I leaned into him.

"You could of taken your car?" Hoseok

"I had other things on my mind." Jimin

He mumbled against the top of my head and settled in the comfort of my friends arms. Despite just having woke up I did feel pretty tired still and when my eyes started to droop I couldn't resist the temptation when my eyes finally closed and I drifted off to sleep.


In silence again for the tenth time in the last hour, the three of us just watched y/n drift off to sleep in Jimins arms. He fondly watched her with a smile on his face and gently moved some of her hair away from her face.

"Tell me again why you two never actually got into a proper relationship?" Yoongi

I hummed because since the both of us found out form him that y/n and Jimin once had a friends with benefits thing going on, we've been curious why it didn't develop into something more.

"Because I knew Taehyung and Jungkook were always in her heart and there wasn't enough room for me." Jimin

He spoke softly in whisper never taking his eyes off her.

"I don't know about that. She cares about you a lot."

I commented and he just glances towards me, showing a small smile on his face and then back to y/n as his main focus.

"By the way who is gonna be the one to tell Jin the news? He's gonna be livid." Yoongi

"Yeah but not with y/n though." Jimin

"No but at the situation. Plus I think Namjoon will be a little....edgy about it too." Yoongi

I sighed taking out my phone from my back pocket and already pulling up jins number.

"I'll do it."

Calling jins number I pressed the phone to my ear waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello? Hoseok, what's up wrong? My spidey senses are tingly." Jin

I cringed and stood up to go stand by the window.

"Jin, it's y/n."

"Y/n? What about y/n? Is she okay? What happened to her? You know what we're on our way back home. NAMJOON GRAB YOUR SHIT, WE'RE GOING HOME!!" Jin

"Why what's wrong?" Namjoon

I heard his voice on the other side and I groaned, rubbing my face.

"It's y/n. There's something wrong, I can feel it." Jin

"Jin! Just let me talk please and explain what's going on."

"Fine tell me what's wrong and your on loud speaker so Namjoon can hear you too." Jin

"Right so, y/n is in hospital an-"

"WHAT?!" Jin/Namjoon

They both screamed at the same time almost bursting my ear drum in the process.

"Why is she in the hospital?" Namjoon

"What did you do to her Hoseok?!" Jin

"Me?! Nothing just listen, she passed out at the mall telling me she didn't feel well and so I brought her to the hospital and now the doctor said she's pregnant."

There was complete silence on the other side and I just stood here by the window waiting for any sign of life.

"Jin pack our bags. We're going back home. Now." Namjoon

"You don't have to tell me twice. Just wait until I rip those assholes a new asshole. Tear them limp from limp and shove my foot so far down their throats they will be shitting for weeks out their new assholes." Jin

"Er, yeah like that made sense." Namjoon

"Shut up. It makes sense to me and now help me pack. Hoseok we're on our way home and we'll meet you all at her apartment." Jin

The line went dead after that and I just stood there for a moment before turning around to find two pairs of eyes staring back at me curious to how that went.

"So?" Yoongi

"They're heading back now and will meet us at her apartment."

"How did they take it?" Jimin

Putting my phone back in my pocket I sat back down on the previous chair.

"Just like expected. Shocked and Jins pissed and Namjoons concerned."

They two nod at me and again more silence.

I sympathise with y/n, I really do. We've become close and I just want to be here for her no matter what.

We're all going to be there for her no matter her decision, whatever that may be.

Double the loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora