Chapter twenty-eight💜

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"Y/n!" Yoongi

I heard him call my name from the counter. I turned around from a table that I was busy clearing and gazed back at him.


"I spoke to Taehyung." Yoongi

"And? Are they coming into work or not?"

Yoongi pressed his lips together and shook his head, stuffing his hand into his pockets.

"Not." Yoongi

I huffed in pure annoyance and spun around again picking up the last of the two plates and cups and left the table to the counter.

This is ridiculous, I'm pissed that they're acting this way.

None of them have been into work for the last three days and on top of that they have been ignoring my calls and texts. Even so much as to not answer the door when I go over to their apartment. All my efforts blanked when it should be me acting this way but no, I'm the bigger person here.

Kicking the double doors open with my foot I stomped into the kitchen and to the sink just to angrily scrub the plates, cups and cutlery that was used while I mutter curses about these so called men that happen to be my boyfriends.

"Woah there girlie, what's got your knickers in a twist this morning?" Jin

I grunted towards Jin but carried on with my angry scrubbing. It kind of helps but not as much as I would hope.

"They didn't come into work again Jin. Again!"

I thumped my fist into the water beside a cup.

"I gathered that but why so angry about it? After the way they treated you, you should be ignoring them too. Let them be the ones to suffer. If you keep texting, calling and showing up to their apartment you're just giving them the attention they want." Jin

Damn it, he's right.

I hate it when he's right especially when I'm angry.

Finishing the cup I just spun around and left the cutlery, someone else can do that.

"But what right do they have to ignore me? Like what did I do except for leave the restaurant when my existence no longer mattered to them? Huh?"

Jin looked back at me, mid way rolling out some cookie dough between his hands.

"They don't have any. It's just childish if you ask me so lay low. Don't contact them and see what happens. Sooner or later they'll have to come into work." Jin

"True. But they never act this way. Usually when something is bothering them they tell me. It's not like them."

I sighed while drying my hands with a hand towel I picked up from the middle table.

"Maybe they'll tell you, I don't know. Just don't get so pissed about it." Jin

I nod with a grunt. I suppose I better just let it go for now. Show them I'm no longer interested in their childish games and if they have a problems with me then they can talk to me about it. I'll put them right and make sure they understand that they are in the wrong.

"Well I'm going to go help out Jimin and Yoongi before it gets too busy."

Jin just waves me off and continued with his cookie dough and I left the kitchen back through to the café. Yoongi was standing just by the cash register and turned around when he noticed I came back.

"You cooled down now?" Yoongi

"A little. I'm just going to let it go for now and they'll come in when they do. I'll pick up their slack."

Yoongi hummed and glanced towards Jimin standing in the centre of the café, talking to an elderly couple.

"You have us two to help you today. If it gets too bad I could as Hoseok to come, he's got a free day." Yoongi

I pressed a smile his way and patted his shoulder, walking passed him to pick up a box of chalk under the counter beside his legs.

"Thanks I may take you up on that offer but for now I'm going to go write the afternoon specials on the board outside."

Not waiting for his response I walked away towards the door and walked outside to grab the black board and use a napkin from my front pocket in my apron to wipe off the morning specials. I then chose the blue colour to write which since I'm feeling blue today and started writing up the specials. A toasted BLT sandwich with American styled fries. There's a few others I scribbled down and once done I stood back up, wiping my hands clean from the chalk dust and put the chalk away after positioning the board beside the front door for customers to see before walking in.

When I was just about to walk back into the café I stopped when something caught my eye but it was actually more like someone. Eunji.

I haven't heard from her since that night we all went out for something to eat, three nights ago. I text her asking how she is but she ignores me. Maybe she knows something I don't.

Spotting her across the street I ran across once it was safe and followed her quickly to keep up with her. I could see the skip in her step, she's unusually happy and it just gives off all these feels that something is not right.


I called out to her and she stopped, looked over her shoulder towards me and dropped her smile from her face once she realised it was me. Well hello to you too.

"Y/n, what do you want?" Eunji

I held back my scoff when she spoke to me with her cold tone. I needed answers from her if she had any so I best keep my attitude to myself.

"I haven't heard from you in a few days so I was wondering how you have been?"

To be honest I didn't care but I have this gut feeling she could be up to something. Never trusted her since we were young so why start now?

"I'm fine Y/n. I do have a life where I don't have to speak to you every second of every day." Eunji

She pushed back some of her hair behind her shoulder rolling her eyes. I bit my tongue and just went straight for it.

"So have you seen Taehyung or Jungkook lately?"

A slow grin spread across her lips which grew into a smirk that I just wanted to wipe off her face right here and now.

"Aw, have your little boyfriends not been talking to you? How sad." Eunji

It took everything in my power not to wipe that pout off her face.

"What the fuck did you do Eunji?"

I gritted my teeth together. Now it was obvious she had something to do with their behaviour towards me. I should of known. Her little cutely giggle pissed me off even more.

"Something I should of done a long time ago Y/n. You stole them from me and now I'm going to steal them back!" Eunji

I launched myself at her, reaching for her neck but she yelped and spun on her heels and took off running down the street. She gave me no choice so I followed her, running after her to not only see where she was going but also to teach her a lesson. I've been too fucking nice to this girl and now she's going to see my other side and face my wrath.

But not so much to my surprise she led me all the way to their apartment building. But that didn't stop me, I'll only be pissed more if they answer the door to her and not me. All of them will face my wrath if they do and I wont hold back.

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