Chapter eight💜

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"So it says here on your application that you once worked as a bartender? What made you leave if you don't mind me asking?"

I asked the man across from me on the table as I continue on with the interview.

"Personal issues but I didn't chose to leave. I was fired because my ex boss was homophobic, he didn't like that he had bisexual man working for him so I was laid off." ??

My eyes widen in shock. For one of how honest he is being with me after just meeting and another reason was because of how he lost his other job.

"That's horrible, you know he can get in trouble for that, right?"

The man shrugs and leans back against the chair, fiddling with his bracelet that he has on his wrist.

"I'm past it now actually. I've moved on with my life and I married someone special to me so I'm in a good time in my life right now. I don't want to dwell on it." ??

But still, it's not right at all to be fired just because of their sexuality. Not wanting to make him upset did I only nod and look back down at his application again.

"How long did you work there for?"

I asked him without looking at him.

"Two years. I have the experience in working with customers behind a counter and deliveries when the bar would get there alcohol delivered." ??

I nodded again, reading his application. I already like this guy, I liked him as soon as he walked in the door. It was like he was meant to be here and he just fitted perfectly. With a smile on my face did I place his application down on the table and shift comfortably in my chair.

"If you were to get this job, how soon could you start?"

I watched how his eyes slightly grew in size but quickly went back to their normal size but kept his hopeful smile at bay.

"I could start at anytime." ??

"Well I'll be honest with you. I like you and I think you would be great in working here but there are two more people that own this place just as much as myself so I would have to talk to them about it but I think things are going to be alright."

I winked at him and he chuckles lightly to look down at his lap but his smile growing wider. I forced a smile back to him but only coming to remember I would have to talk to Jungkook and Taehyung in which I haven't done yet. I've been ignoring them or trying to avoid them for the past two days. I know I shouldn't but I'm still scared to. I even came into work hours earlier than usual and if they come in I usually go to the back room, the bathroom or just push myself to interact with a customer. I just try to keep myself busy as much as possible.

"Thank you." ??

"It's no problem Yoongi."

I looked behind him to see Jimin behind the counter just passing a customer a cup of coffee on a tray with all smiles but when he sees me looking at him he waves cutely but then his attention is turned to someone else that calls his name

The bell rings as someone enters calling on Jimin but his voice came out harsh and a little aggressive.

"Jimin, where's Y/n?"

Shit. It's Taehyung.

I sunk back down in my seat pulling the application paper up to cover my face which caused a confused frown on Yoongis face. I kept peaking over the paper to see Taehyung standing in front of Jimin on the other side of the counter with balled fists. Jungkook was also there but didn't say anything except to walk to the back kitchen with his jaw clenching. Oh fuck they're pissed.

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