Chapter seventeen💜

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Today was a slow day in the cafe so I spent most of the time in the office. Not much to do really but the memory of my parents reactions to my new relationship with Taehyung and Jungkook still hits me hard every now and then.

Some days it gets to me more than others when I know it's shouldn't but it does. Today was just one of those days it bothers me the most.

Tae and Jungkook are in work today also but they're in front of shop right now doing whatever it is they're doing while I hung back. Not in the mood to do much socialising today so I'd rather be in the back doing almost nothing.

From other trip we only came back two days ago after our few days away. Really both Jungkook and Taehyung tried to make me forget about my parents and they did manage but I guess when I'm bored or nothing to do, it gets to me since I just start to think about things.

Maybe I should talk to jin.

I know he's had similar experience to me with his parents when he came out and told them he was gay, so if anyone can relate it's him.

Now having that thought in mind I forced my chair out and staggered around the desk to exit my shared office and entered the kitchen. Jin was singing away happily, his back to me while he sticks something in the oven to bake and set a timer.

I didn't butt in to his happy moment and stood across the room watching him silently. Only when he finally turned around and screamed did he obviously notice my appearance here in the room.

"Y/n are you trying to kill me?!" Jin

"Sorry. I actually wanted to talk to you about something. Is that okay?"

Jins eyes soften to see me look visibly distressed about something and he nods yet walks around the large table in the middle of the room to come over and gently take my hand in his.

"Is everything okay? Are the boys treating you alright? Because if they're not I'll kick their asses, you know I would." Jin

I let out a light laugh and nodded.

"They're just fine with me Jin. Nothing has changed it's parents....they...."

Before I could say more Jin sighed as if he already understood and pulled me in for a hug. My face more pressed against his chest, engulfed in his scent that smelled of cookies and baked goods. He smelled delicious.

"They didn't accept your relationship with them did they?" Jin

I shook my head, my cheek rubbing against his white apron.

"No they didn't. It doesn't bother me much because Tae and kookie both distract me a lot from it but I think because it's been a slow day it's been on my mind a lot today."

He hummed and rested his chin on the top of me head and slowly did we begin to some how sway side to side for whatever reason that was unknown to me.

"Little advise from someone with experience?" Jin


"Whether family or not, if they truly care for your wellbeing and happiness in life over their own then they will come to you again and be there for you no matter what. If they don't, then who needs people like that in their life? Life is too short to have negativity present. Just live it and don't let people get you down." Jin

I seriously took in everything he said. Thinking in silence once again, comparing it to my parents and how angry my dad was. He was very brutal with me and my mom said nothing to even defend me, not that I expected much from her. Just a little comment would of been nice, just to know her true feelings but nothing.

To look back at that moment and the fact my parents left me and it could be for the rest of my life but when I think again to what happened. Both boyfriends of mine defended me and in the end Jungkook was ready to go after my dad to teach him a lesson or whatever it was. Then there was their parents that were more than okay with this whole relationship and our friends are all supportive.

Why should I be sitting around blaming myself for my parents disapproval?

I shouldn't and that's what I'm gonna stop doing.

I'm happy in my life and I shouldn't let my parents bring me down.

"Thank you Jin."

I told him, pulling back from him to let him go and smile at him in appreciation in cheering me up with this. It was just that easy but because I know of his past experience with his family disowning him when he revealed he was gay, it helped that he gave me something like that to think about.

"You're very welcome my dear. Now, do you want to hear some gossip? I think you'd like it." Jin

He grins mischievously followed my a wiggle of a brow.

"Sure what's the gossip then?"

I laughed a little, letting go of his arms to step back completely from him. Jin just waved his hand lazily in the air, then leaned his hip against the table.

"It's nothing much but only that while you have been gone I have noticed some flirting going on between Jimin and the new guy. Even with his husband too. My gaydar, is beeping like crazy." Jin

I laughed at him a bit harder this time and lightly slapped his chest for saying such a thing.

"You can't say stuff like that."

"I can so. I'm gay so I have every right to." Jin

I shook my head, rolling my eyes at him for it.

"So Jimin and Yoongi huh? I didn't see that coming. And Hoseok too, that's very interesting."

"Yep. They even invited him around for drinks and stuff this weekend. It only reminds me of you with the two idiots out there." Jin

I hummed and felt excited for Jimin. I haven't noticed this flirting going on but that could be due to me being on the back most of the time. Now I have more reason to be out and see this for myself.

"Well thanks for letting me know. I'll definitely be observing from now on."

The double doors to the cafe banged open with a loud thud gaining Jin and I's attention. There came in Jungkook, puffing out his chest for some reason and stomped his way over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Y/n we're leaving work early today and don't say no. You have no choice." Jungkook

"What? Why?"

He chuckled and glanced at Jin and then back to me just to grin at me to which this made me even more confused.

"Because we're taking you out on a date. Now let's go. Bye Jin!" Jungkook

In one swift motion he picked me up in his arms and carried me through the double doors again. He moved so quickly that I didn't get a chance to say bye to Jin but wave over his shoulder before the doors finally closed.

"Good you've got her. Come on then." Taehyung

"Where are we going? And Jungkook I can walk, you can put me down now."

He shook his head, ignoring what I said and the looks from other people as he continues to follow Taehyung out the cafe and into the street.

"Nope. We're going on this date which you need to get dressed for and change." Jungkook

"Yeah y/n don't think we haven't noticed your behaviour today so what better way to cheer you up than a date? The three of us together." Taehyung

I smiled and yet sunk into Jungkooks arms more, sneaking my arms up around his neck to get more comfortable.

The three of us together sounded so perfect. I can't wait for our date. Our first proper date at that.

Double the loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora