Chapter thirty-four💜

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I would say these last two weeks I have been okay. Holding my head high going into work and what not. Even if I see Taehyung and Jungkook at work, I still refuse to speak to them unless absolutely necessary. Meaning only about work nothing else. Taehyung has still tried to talk to me about all this drama between us but I keep telling him every time, I don't want to. I just want I want to move on from it and that's that. Jungkook though, I do sometimes wish he would at least try to talk to me, but instead he just stands there and stares at me from across the room. His eyes tell me everything. His guilt and regret. I see it all but I cant let that get to me.

It's my time to move on and that is what I'm doing.

It's a Sunday meaning that the café is closed for the day.

I was bored and just wanted to do something but everyone was busy.

Jin and Namjoon went to go visit Namjoon's grandparents since its their wedding anniversary. Jimin was helping his brother move apartments but said we'll meet up later for drinks and Yoongi, he too couldn't come because he has a doctors appointment about getting new glasses but he's meeting us for lunch. And when I say we, I mean Hoseok and myself.

I texted him this morning and he agreed to meet me in the mall and since then we've just been in and out al the shops. Either browsing or buying stuff. Mainly clothes for myself since I thought I should but some. For some reason they've been shrinking in my washing machine so I need to fix that.

"So where too next Y/n? Food?" Hoseok

He looked down at me questionably and I just shrugged. I wasn't in the mood for food but I guess we could do that.

"Sure, okay."

Hoseok smiled back at me, taking my hand and pulled me along side him towards the escalators so we could go up a floor to the food court.

"I'm starving. I haven't eaten since this morning." Hoseok

He said once we reached the top and again we started to walk towards the food court, the smell of food already hitting me in the face, making me scrunch up my nose.

"I didn't eat at all this morning."

Hoseok stopped and turned his full body towards me, cutting my view of the food court and glared at me.

"And why not? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Hoseok

"I didn't feel well enough to eat."

I shrugged again, stepping to the side and walking around him to start on our travels to go get food.

"Y/n do you at least want something now?" Hoseok

He asked coming back to my side, eyeing me up with his worrying eyes. But I just chuckled.

"No thank you. I'll go find us seats and you just go get something."

"But Y/n, you really sho-"Hoseok

"Nope, I'm fine. I'll meet you at the table."

I sang towards him, walking passed in a rush towards the tables and chairs. I heard him curse but I just laughed it off and set out on my mission to find a table. Which I did in the matter of seconds. It's not very busy today so finding a table was no problem.

Setting my shopping bags on the floor under the table I sat down, exhaling a loud sigh of relief to finally sit down somewhere. Hunching forward I rested my forehead on my arms crossed over the other on the table. I'm so tired right now, I don't know what's wrong with me today. I mean I felt like this yesterday but I kept myself busy at work but I also admittedly had a nap in the office after locking the doors so no one could interrupt me.

The longer I stayed in this position the sleeper I felt. My eyes started to droop until eventually I couldn't hold them open any longer and they shut. I felt myself dozing off until I felt the table shake with a loud bang and sat up straight just to see Hoseok now looking down at me, one brow raised and one hand on the hip.

"Are you tired? Should we go home?" Hoseok

He asked me softly, sitting down across from me and setting out a sandwich towards myself and then another for him along with two bottles of water. I should of known he would of gotten me something anyway.

I yawned a little, ready to say no but the look Hoseok was giving me right now with his dark eyes staring into my soul, I guess I shouldn't lie. So I nodded.

"But after you eat. I can eat mine later."

I smiled at him, sliding the sandwich my way but I opened the bottle of water up to take a couple sips out of.

"Are you sure? We can go now." Hoseok

I shook my head at him, turning my cap back on my bottle.

"No you just eat. I'll be good for the time being."

Hoseok just hummed at me, squinting his eyes but then nodded and started opening up his sandwich.

As he started to dive into his food I just sat back looking around the close area trying to stay awake. My head felt light and I had this curdling sensation in my stomach but that could be because I haven't eaten but at the same time I didn't want food. I just wanted sleep.

Again my eyes started to droop and I felt myself swaying in my seat. Hoseoks eyes widen and stood up from his chair immediately rushing to my side holding my shoulder by one hand.

"Y/n I think we should go. You're clearly tired or sick." Hoseok

I didn't argue but nodded standing up from my chair holding onto his hand but with the rush to my head from standing my eyes rolled to the back of my head and darkness over came me. Passing out to my subconscious.


"Woah." Hoseok

I caught y/n in my arms as soon as she fell limp. My arms under her shoulders I pushed her up slightly so I could reposition her so I could reach for my phone in my back pocket.

Taking it out i dialed my husbands number and waited for him to answer. The moment he did, I started to panic.

"What's up Hoseok?" Yoongi

"Y/n passed out. I think she needs to a hospital Yoongi. She's not been well or even been eating and now she's passed out."

I spoke to him but gazed down at y/n. She was rather pale with bags under her eyes. She looked exhausted. It's all that stress those two assholes have put her under.

"Okay then. Take her to the hospital. I'll meet you there and I'll tell everyone else." Yoongi

I nodded and we hung up the call, stuffing my phone back in my pocket in my jeans I managed to multitask. Using one arm to pick up our bags, then another to hold up y/n against my body. If this food court wasn't practically empty o would of asked someone to help me but there's no one.

Throwing the bags over my shoulder to carry under arm I managed to them pick y/n up bridal style and make it towards an elevator.

Y/n needs to get to the hospital. There's something not right with her.

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