tripping, and falling

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"Everyone meet Nick," Is the first thing Zayn says when he walks into his room.

"Nick, this is everyone." He has a man attached to his hip.

Said guy (Nick), looks like he's soaring- still has white stuff powered around his nose and under. His eyes bloodshot and red, his mouth upturned and gleeful. Looks like he doesn't have a care in the world.

His jeans hang low, clearly the cheapest ones at the store. His oversized zip-up sweater makes it hard to see what his body looks like but from here, he looks my weight, maybe lighter.

"I want what he's on." Calls out a boy lieing on the bed.

"Good thing he's my dealer then." Zayn beams brighter than the sun.

The girl who originally asked for the blow sits back on the bed, she looks extremely comfortable.

"Hey Nick," she winks, "Come over here, get to know me..." She taps on the bed next to her and smiles.

The dude strolls over and sits himself down next to her, probably close enough to squash her. Nearly sitting on her lap.

Zayn grins to himself and walks through the crowd of people over to me, Niall and...ew Styles

He collapses on my lap, nearly making me hard.

"You can't do that-" I whisper in his left ear, "You're fucking irresistible"

"That's the point baby," He turns to look at me. His beautiful chocolate eyes stare into my cold soul.

I feel eyes on me just not whos, but I really don't wanna break the contact between me and this beautiful boy.

"Okay lets get this party started yeah?" Styles calls out from, sitting on the desk. I turn to look at him which I'm met with his stupid green eyes. Staring back at me.

"Yuh, I'm ready baby." The auburn girl calls out, she rubs Nicks leg.

He pulls out a few small bags of white powder and chucks them all to different people around the room, leaving one for himself. 

"That's a lot for one person right?" A guy calls out, bringing the bag up to his eyelevel and peering inside.

"Well my friend..." Nick starts to speak it's the first time I've heard his voice, "Well there should be enough for everyone, one baggy is for like two or three people. You divide it to two, then sniff it. Easy peasy."

He pours half his bag onto the back of his hand, the sniffs it all in, with one go. A true hero.

Zayn opens his bag and makes room on his desk, Styles isn't in the way for once.

He pours some out in a straight-ish line and pulls out his credit card from his back pocket, i just observe his every move.

He's quick and direct, clearly done it many times before that he's perfected it by now. He looks over too me "Wanna half my bag?" I nodd in reply.

I can feel Styles eyes burning a whole in the side of my face.

I don't give him the satisfaction of looking back at him.

"It's ready baby," Zayn peers back at me with a look that nearly makes me cream.

I lean forward and take a breath. Needing to prepare  for what's about to happen.

I lean in closer and bring my right hand up to my nose, closing my right nostril. No need to waste time, I snort it in one quick stroke, going from left to right.

I lick the left over crack, leaving the surface clean. The taste is good but has nothing on weed.

Zayn cheers me on before sniffing his up, nearly quicker than me.

"You're a natural babe."Zayn sniggers over at me. 

I sit back and bounce my leg up and down, hoping that it makes Zayn as horny as me.

I breath slowly, where the fuck is this high? All the blow I have done, this one is taking the longest.

Waiting waiting waiting-

Out of nowhere, the colours in the room explode like a bomb just hit it, before i feel myself let out a long sigh of relief. My mind soars and relax. Finally feeling at peace with the world, carefree. 

I feel as if I can do anything and everything all at the same time and feel happy doing it.

I feel like there's wind in my hair and that I'm unstoppable. I make a difference in this world.

I'm unstoppable. The king. King of the world.

I look over at Niall, the whole world spinning ever so fast. I could vomit. He looks gone but I just know he's having just as much as a blast as me.

"Wanna watch Shameless?" Zayn looks at me- I focus my eyes for the first time since the hit.

I nodd and shut my eyes, a sudden wave of tiredness goes over me. 

I let it take control of my weary body. 

"Oi Lou, don't go falling asleep on me." Styles calls out, immediately waking me up. My eyes struggle to focus.

"Fuck off Harry," I snap back, "Let me get high in peace." I don't need it from this boy. I'm trying  to enjoy myself and he's not gonna ruin that.

He looks petrified with my responce, when Niall catches my eye.

"Wait- who's Harry?" He points between me and Styles. 

Shit. Did I really just call him that.

"Well Niall I-"

"Harry? Niall? Dude, I think you're going deaf maybe that's one of the side effects, when you get high." I shout back, interrupting Styles.

There must be a reason why Styles keeps his identity private, so I'm not gonna be the reason why he reveals it. Whatever the reason is.

"Probably, i  'on't know. That's cool." He chuckles to his jolly Irish self.

Like a little leprechaun.

"Zayn! Bro. Dude. Babe, we're going to the bar, see. you. later." The girl in orange, rubs the dude next to her's thigh.

She jumps up and struts over to Zayn (still sitting on my lap). She rubs his face and pecks a kiss on his left cheek.

Some other people around the room stand up (or atleast try too). Before them all leaving in a pack. Like sexy wolves. Wait no that's wierd. 

All that's left is me, Zayn, Styles, Niall and a random ginger bloke high of his mind in the corner. He definutely pre-gamed on drugs and a shit load of achohol. He looks at the cieling and rubs the wall, Like he's just discovered the grave for fucking Tutankhamun. 

"The beds free- get up princess." I shove Zayn off my lap. If I can sit on a more comfortable surface I so would take it up.

I stumble over to the bed and plonk myself down on it. My head is pain free- for once. Normally there's a perminant headache at the back of my skull. 

But it's gone. For now anyway.

Niall follows after me, sitting his heavy arse down next to me, just by the way he breaths you can tell he's Irish.

Zayn and Styles come sit down aswell, The brothers on either side of me and Styles next to Zayn, the furthest away from me. Yes. Good.

Zayn switches on the televison thats placed on the other side of the room, the colour looks reversed.

"Did you catch last weeks?" He asks, lighting a cigarette.

"Uh- I think so."I reply, he hands me one and lights it for me.

I can feel Styles' beady eyes on me. Once a fucking gain. 

"Take a picture Ha- Styles, It fucking lasts longer." Without looking at him I focus my eyes on the tv. 

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