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My mom and friends were helping me get my hair up for my wedding. It finally came.

I picked out a nice dress, exactly what I've always wanted. I was so happy I could finally find something that was inexpensive, and that I loved.

I wasn't gonna do anything fancy with my hair and makeup, something natural. So I wasn't completely changed.

Today, Darry was walking me down the isle. I didn't tell my father or even invite him to this because I didn't want him here. I was so incredibly happy that Darry agreed to do it.

The wedding was set to be in the same place he proposed. I thought it was a beautiful area and I wanted it to be the place.

The gang set up everything for us so we were all ready, I knew exactly what I wanted it to look like. I showed them and told them and they did exactly as I asked, surprisingly.

I was a little nervous for this honestly, afraid that something would happen but it was just normal wedding jitters.

Dally's POV

I looked in the mirror, a navy button up with a black blazer, black pants, and black shoes. I smiled at myself, and unbuttoned one of the buttons and left it like that. I could hardly recognize myself in this, but I was happy with it.

Johnny was sitting in the room I was in, dressed similarly like me but with a white button up and a bow tie. He had a bouncing leg and was biting his nails, focusing on the floor.

"Johnnycakes what's the matter?" I asked and turn my heal to look at him.

"Nothing man, a little nervous for you that's all." He said and I furrowed my brows at him.

"Why?" I asked and he glanced at me and looked back at the floor.

"I've never seen you this committed, I'm afraid you'll break her heart." He replied and I sighed knowing he was right. I never committed myself to anything, and I was scared myself that it would go down the drain.

"Johnny, man, I know. I'm afraid I'm gonna screw this up." I said and he put a supportive hand on my shoulder.

"If she agreed to marry you she's obviously here to stay." He said and I smiled a little bit.

"Johnny, don't tell anybody this. But, I'm in love with her man, she changed me." I said and he smiled and patted my back and we stood up.

"I'm glad you're finally happy." He said and we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled and the gang all came in and started yelling and celebrating.

"Calm down!" I said laughing and everybody calmed.

"Dal, we're real happy for you." Steve said and Soda checked himself out in the mirror.

"Thanks." I said and they all started getting excited again when they saw the time.

"Come on! It's showtime!" Soda yelled and they all ran out the door and I walked behind them, a smile painted on my face.


Darry stopped and walked into the room I was in and stared at me in awe.

"Y/n, you look great." He said put his hand out and I took it and we walked out to the car.

He lifted the end of my dress and we got into the car and we drove to our destination.

"You ready?" He said as he turned the ignition off.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said as I sighed. I was truly excited, but I was scared.

We heard the piano music, knowing it was our cue to walk. We walked down the isle, arm-in-arm and I smiled at Dally as he started to tear up.

Dally's POV

I was about to cry in front of the gang, but I couldn't help it. I was gonna be with this woman for the rest of my life and it made me feel a feeling I never knew I could feel.

She stood in front of me and I let a tear slip as the preacher read us what he was reading. Then, it came time for our vows. I went first.

"God where do I start, y/n. You're the most sweet, scary, loving, wild girl I've ever met. You shaped me into a new person and I knew from the day you told me to shove a stick up my ass for flirting with you I wanted to be with you. I hope I never screw this up, and I hope you stay if I do. I love you, you hear that boys? Dally loves somebody!" I said and she laughed along with the gang.

The preacher told her it was her turn to speak and she smiled a wide smile.

"Dallas Winston, the boy that always got away. Well here you are! I got you! I know that you'll always be here to protect me from the dangers of this world, I know that you'll be here when I'm broken into a thousand little pieces and you'll pick up every single one of them. And I'll do the same for you, because I love you too. Hear that boys! Y/N loves somebody!" She said mimicking me. I laughed and the gang clapped.

"Now. Dallas, do you take y/n as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?" The preacher said after we finished our vows.

"Oh lord I do." I said and she giggled.

"Y/N? Do you take Dallas as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?" The preacher asked her.

"I do." She said, not breaking eye contact with me.

"You may now kiss the bride!" He said and I kissed her with love and passion and spun her around.

Everybody cheered loudly and it felt like a million dollars just rained from the sky.

When she pulled away, she whispered into my ear.

"Till death do us part?"

"Till death do us part."

Dallas Winston - 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤/ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤Where stories live. Discover now