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The snow fell delicately under the feet of six greasers, one in particular who was running for the life of him, the rest just following suit.

He was bolting down the streets, praying that a hidden sheet of slick, thin black ice wasn't gonna tear him down. It didn't, thank god.

The piercing screams continued to cut through the air so swiftly, his feet got faster. Running like a 20 mile wind, he got there within 3 minutes. She was no longer conscious, he rolled her over and felt her pulse. Fuck he said through his exhale. She had a weak pulse, so weak in fact he almost didn't feel it. He picked her up and looked at everybody who was approaching. The adrenaline, the only thing keeping him from running out of air to breathe.

"Hospital?" Darrel asked when he approached getting out of his car, and looked at her. He could only nod his head and gingerly place her in the car. Darry stepped on the gas and raced to the hospital. Dallas ran into the emergency room yelling for assistance. What seemed like to him, millions of nurses came to his side and took her from his arms. He followed all of them like a lost puppy as they did many things to try to save her.

"What happened?" One of the nurses asked him as she guided him out of the room.

"I- I dunno man- I heard her screaming from my buddy's house and we ran to her, and she was like this- is she okay? Is she- is-" He said before hitting the ground. It could have been the lack of oxygen, could have been the losing her, he didn't know. He woke up in a bed next to hers and she was out cold. He stood up and walked to her. He looked down at her untouched face and smiled. She was so peaceful. He leaned down and kissed her forehead and she fluttered her eyes.

"Hi," She said ever so weakly. He let out an exhale and smiled at her. She smiled and closed her eyes again and laid her head down and took in a deep breath.

"What happened?" He asked, smile wiped clean.

"I thought going back with my ex wouldn't be such a bad idea, but he came back and- Dally?" She explained before looking at him.

"Yeah?" He said, crouching down and looking at her. "You're the only one I want." She said and he looked at her. It clicked in his mind- they were only friends yet he had ran so fucking fast and been the first one there for her.

"It broke my heart when you went back to him." He whispered. She let a tear fall, barely knowing it was there. She felt numb. "But I'm here-" She said before her voice broke. He stood up and hugged her and comforted her. "Don't cry,"

"Stay with me?" She mumbled and he nodded. He grabbed a chair and sat next to her bed. "Don't you dare think too much about me." He said and she chuckled softly. She looked at him and smiled.

"If I think too much about myself I'll have a panic attack. Let me think about you, and you're soft hair, and your deep voice, and your rough edges and perfect eyes." She said and he only smiled but was sad she was only talking about his looks. "And your dark personality, and your stupid ego, and your reputation, and how you keep your head high, and how you care for Johnny, and Ponyboy, and me."

His smile only became wider when she said me so softly. He put a gentle hand on her face and looked at her. "Let me kiss you." He asked and she only giggled and pulled him onto her. They both felt the electricity as they kissed, like it was meant to happen. He pulled away from her and looked at her and she only subtly pouted and he kissed her once more. She pulled away and looked at the gang who, some were wide eyed, and some looking away cringing.

"You guys look like a bunch of kids at a wedding." She said and they all started laughing, including Dallas. She let go of her grip on his shirt and talked to them until they left.

"Dally?" She asked, tired as hell. "Yeah?" He whispered back. He looked at her and she smiled.

"Can I be the tough greaser's only soft spot?" She asked. He chuckled and looked down before looking back at her. "You asking to be my girl?"

"Of course I am," She smiled and he stood up. "I thought it was my job to do that," He said before leaning down and kissing her. "Of course, you can be my girl." He said, inches away from her lips. She smiled and put her lips back on his and she moved over and he got into the bed next to her. She rested her head on his chest.

"Best worst day of my life," She said before falling into a deep sleep. "Me too." He softly whispered.

Dallas Winston - 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤/ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora