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He leaned up against the wall and smiled lightly. His eyes struggled between my eyes and my lips before I kissed him and he got his answer. He grinned more and I smiled.

"Whaddya say?" He asked and I looked behind him when I heard faint footsteps and saw two people walking towards us. Bulky men, kind of intimidating. My smile dropped and turned into some kind of fear. He noticed it and looked behind him and back at me and clenched his jaw.

"Dally!" One called and he grabbed my arm and pulled me out, with nothing but protecting me on his mind. We walked down the street and he slung his arm around my waist and we rushed into the crowd of people. "Who was that?" I asked quietly and he laughed it off.

"Just some guys I showed heaven and hell." He replied and I walked uncomfortably. We eventually made it back to a familiar place and he had me against the wall. He smiled at me again and I traced my fingers down his face to his neck and we didn't say anything.

"Let's go to the bar later." He offered and I shook my head. "No Dal, you'll get too drunk and I won't have a good time." I said and chuckled. He sighed. "Whaddya wanna do then?"

"I want to stay home, and I want you to hold me and I want to kiss you and talk about our futures until we fall asleep in each other's arms." I replied and he had a grin on his lips. "I'd love to do that, but, I've got extra money and I want to take you out on the town. But then I can hold you and you can kiss me and talk about our futures until we fall asleep in each other's arms." I nodded and I slowly kissed him.

As our lips softly came together it felt like I was swept off my feet. His hand was pressed against the wall behind me and his other was tangled in my hair and mine were on his chest.

He seemed to be made for me specifically, our lips went together like puzzle pieces and his hands fit perfectly into mine. His tongue slipped into my mouth by surprise and I tasted his sweet taste. Cigarettes, mostly, but a taste of a fruity gin was left behind. His fingers tightened around my hair and I moved my hands up to his shoulders. Not once did our lips depart.

That was, until he removed his hand from my hair and pulled away from me and pushed my chin over. His lips met my jawline and he left a visible hickey behind. When he did he admired his work and put his arm around me and we walked back to my place.

He dropped me off and before I left I looked at him. "Thank you." I said and he smiled at me and shoved his hands in his pockets. "No problem, Doll." He replied and I smiled. I gave him a quick last kiss before pulling away and looked at my brother who was looking through the window. "I'll pick you up at 6." He said and I waved bye to him. I went inside and I blushed furiously to myself.

5:30 rolled around and I went to my couch and waited for him. I read my book until I heard a knock on my door at 6:00pm sharp and I opened the door and he smiled at me. "You ready?" He asked me and I grabbed a note for him and I nodded. I gave it to him and I walked ahead of him as he read it. He put it in his pocket and smiled and saw the faint tint of blush playing on his cheeks and he kissed my head and slung his arm around me.

He took me to a decent restaurant and when we sat down I opened the menu. I skimmed through it before I looked up and noticed him silently watching me and smiling. I closed it gently and I placed my hand on his and I felt the butterflies rush through my stomach.

The waiter came up and asked us what we wanted to drink and Dally smiled at me while I answered. He was so infatuated with me, that when the waiter asked his drink order I had to answer for him. I was confused, I didn't know why he was so hooked on me. He'd never done this before.

The night ended and I went home with him. He sat on the couch with some late night TV on and he had his arm around me. I nearly fell asleep in his comfort before I looked at him focusing on the TV. He was so pretty in the TV light, I finally knew what he was doing.

He had fallen for me, just as I had fallen for him.

Dallas Winston - 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤/ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt