Returing-Chapter 32

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About a two weeks passed and Peggy stopped calling so much you hadn't heard from Steve in about a month but you knew he was always busy so you left it not wanting to make Steve feel any worse a meeting was being held at the SSR base and you were ready to deal with other people so you got yourself dressed and headed out the door slowly weaving your way back into your old normal life.

but that wasn't possible your life was different maybe due to the fact of whatever you'd been practicing for the past two weeks you tried to understand what had happened on that train but you couldn't whenever you were upset you would get sudden outburst objects would fly across the room anything close to you would smash sometimes blue mist appeared but only for a brief moment you tried to understand you really did it was hard though you manged to lift a few thing on command you manged to lift a stray cat up who was cold and wet from outside you weren't sure how you lifted this window open and levitated the cat inside you didn't know if you stumbled across a magical cat at first but when you realised you stopped focusing the cat dropped to your bed and the window slammed shut so you assumed this was your doing  the strangest thing to happen was your your drawer getting hole through it and setting alight you had gotten mad over something stupid and threw your hands up and then you noticed the blue orb like energy shot from you hand to the drawer nothing like that happened again you were glad you didn't understand these powers and you didn't know if you wanted to.

"So the files that are being held in your hand right now Agent Louise are supposed to be in the cabinets sorted but instead your stood here chit chatting with Agent Hugh's about what your gonna tell the man you having a affair with" Peggy directed to the timid new agent "you really need to do your work Agent Louise I'm sick of..."Peggy stopped bossing about a younger agent and looked towards you she thought you looked back to normal "Paris" she called walking over to you "good morning how are you ?" She asked "I'm good Carter bit confused but good how are you ?" You asked unbuttoning your coat "I'm okay not to bright but I suspect that cause were at war" she cracked a smile "well a logical response" you smiled back "I'll go make us some coffee" she said going to walk away "no no I'll go make it I heard there's a new machine" you joked "alright just make sure your in room b16 at 10:30 for the meeting" she informed heading off.

You walked to the café area of the building ready to make a cup of coffee for you and Peggy it was sorta comforting being back at work you had no stupid questions yet people sort of gravitated away from you giving you looks which you expected "Hello Dr Paris" a voice you recognised of course these sleazy bastard never  "Agent McNeil" you greeted him he held a smile on his face a fake one "how are you ?"he asked not even making eye contact more focused on the length of the female agents skirt he was that type of person he was more bothered about how he looked how he was presented more bothered about how his girl on his hand or girls for plural he would tell them sweet things and go the next day he could tell a woman he loved her and turn around and say the same thing in a mirror remined you of someone "I'm great McNeil how are you ?" You answered gritting your teeth "I'm doing good great actually been on a lot more highly trained work and being asked to attended meetings with the senators" he boasted raising his brows as he turned to lean on the wall he face no facing you " that sounds fantastic I'm very happy for you" you smiled back trying to be nice to see  wondering if you showed some sympathy for this mans ego he may leave quicker "so where have you been huh I've  just been  you haven't been at the base for a while now me and other agents have been chatting" he spoke like he was above you "by chatting I assume you mean gossiping ?" You countered back "whatever you think there's some rumours going round pretty nasty ones too" he told you acting like he wasn't the one who probably started most of them "has their I wouldn't bother to ask what they are but you just seem like your itching tell me" you rolled your eyes maybe you could get some entertainment of the shit that was about to come out his mouth "Well I wouldn't want to hurt your feeling pretty girl I mean your just woman and theirs a lot of nasty men out there with a lot of things to say" he sighed "don't you worry McNeil I can handle it" you smiled once again "if you say so well to begin  the heavy religious people in the place thought you had been possessed by some evil spirt with all the rumours from your previous mission some thought you had been fired "he spoke resting again the wall "wow" you mouthed "but the one that most believe well that your were pregnant I mean it's the most logical right having well yah know ?" He stopped a small grin surfacing his lips "I know what ?" You asked "well how many are you on now you had Sargent Barnes but well he's dead Captain America but we all assumed him and agent carter are at it  and well your most known successor is Stark you two are pretty close even when you were courting Barnes" he spoke leaning down to you "bet he had his way with you on one of those work tables" you stood there your face in utter disgust questioning on punching him straight in the jaw and beating him to a pulp "McNeill I'm going to tell you this as a word of warning but if you ever mention my name in one of your silly discussions with the men or women who work in this establishment I'll make  sure that that tie that swings to loosely round your neck will be so tight it won't swing no more" you clenched you fist as he began to place his hands on his throat  "i dont know what drives you to be such a dick maybe its your pitiful attempts to make me cower beneath you cause that only time women are beneath you but I suggest next time you come up to me and ask how I am" you added air quotations "you don't you turn straight back round" you untighten your fist and the man in front of you breathed his face tinted blue and his tie still barely wrapped round his neck you patted his shoulder with a kind smile and walked off then there it was that burning sensation you began storming off to the closest empty room.

"The fucking nerve" you seethed shutting the door "the audacity the fucking- " you threw your hands down causing a blue blast from underneath you opened you eyes to see scorch marks on the floor and the pencils which were rested newly sharpened in the pot beside you now stabbed into the wall you were still confused by this thing that you held you tried to understand it's while you were at home but nothing happened nothing that you knew off.

You walked up to the wall and grabbed the pencils pulling them trying to cover up but failing miserably as the holes were still in the wall and the burn marks scorched on the floor yous emit the small outburst made you feel better not completely but it helped you dusted down you clothes and headed out the door to the coffee machine. You stood patiently waiting for the machine to finish you check your watch and it was 10:31 "shit" you muttered knowing you were going to be late.

You stood outside the door and breathed in a deep breath you were only 3 minutes late "apologies for my lateness Colonel I lost track of time" you spoke up handing the cup of coffee to Peggy "it's fine Dr Paris just take a seat" the full time you felt Howard's gaze on you your eyes didn't wander to him like they use to when you walked in a room you stared forward at the presentation being presented Steve beside you and Falseworth in front of you his hand folded on his lap.

"John Schmidt belongs in the bughouse he thinks he's a god and he is going to blow up half the world to prove it" Philips stated "starting with USA" he stabbed his finger on the map "That's insane" Dum Dum breathed "So is Hitler but he has gotten pretty far with less then Schmidt" Peggy commented "But hydra need millions of me , fleets of transport they'd have to be feed and fuelled" Falseworth interjected "Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities he gets across the Atlantic and he will wipe out the entire eastern seaboard within a hour" Howard turned to the rest of the table "Every able bodied men with have are either here or in the Pacific our boarders are wide open we could be theirs for the taken" your turned in your seat "how much time have we got ?" Gabe asked "according to my new best friend under 24 hours" Philips looked about the room "where is he now ? Steve asked leaning forward Colonel Philips pointed to the map "Hydras last base is here in the alps 500 feet below the surface" Mortia leaned forward taking a closer look

"Are you sure of this ?"Peggy asked walking beside you "I'm never really sure of anything but we've gotta try we owe it to every person who has gave up their life while trying to stop this war" you answered her "Agent Carter wait up" Howard shouted from behind jogging to Peggy "When you get to the base if you see any devices bring them home" he asked " why so you can profit of them ?"Peggy "No so I can get a better understanding on what they were trying to do" he answered you just stared at his hand cuts all over.

You cared for Howard you admit you always will you hoped he shared the same concerns.

"I'll have look to see what I can find then" Peggy answered "be careful please" he looked at Peggy then stared at you who was unbeknownst as you still stared at his injured hand you looked up meeting the same dark brown eyes you had loved to see for the past 3 years this but time you didn't want to stare into them .

*Authors Note*

Hey yall doing *cricket noises* I admit I was a little late and by a little late I mean like two weeks sorry not sorry nah I actually am sorry guys I dunno what happened truly I Had written half this chapter the day after uploading and just never finished it untll now which is 01.05 am were I am lol urmmm but honestly I am sorry guys and again thank for you reading and voting  were up to 40k reads AHHHHHHHH yall so mf cool yall should on vouge or some high class shit like that I love you all and your little comments on my chapter they make me smile so much when I read them and i cant express how kind you all are constantly being little sweetie I'm get a cavity soon if yall continue I cant I love yous xxx

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